
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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Ya i do actually

Well then you're lucky. I don't so I can't control it. I wish I had perfect skin but I don't. I wash my face every night and every morning. I've used proactive, proactive +, Clinique, clearsil, skin id, nutragena, and tons of others they just don't work. It's not my fault so don't point out my flaws when you have some yourself. Nobody's perfect.

you have so many zits . Wash yourself

There are some people like me that no matter what they try it just doesn't work so stfu I can guarantee you don't have perfect skin.

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Why do u always photo shop ur zits ....

I don't. I put one edit on my pics. Nothing else and I use my front camera which doesn't have very good quality. Why would I want my pictures to look ugly? Acne isn't attractive so I put a filter on to hide them. I have never photoshopped a picture before. Putting on a filter and photoshopping are completely different. Happy? No edit, no filter. And let me tell you, it's awkward taking a selfie in B&B while everyone is staring at you.
Liked by: Caitlyn Rupert

Towards the last day of school, the 6th graders game to your the JH. You were going to your locker when a group of them were close to your locker. You took out your phone and acted all cool cu you were on your phone during school. Lmao! Remember?

I wasn't trying to act cool lmao I was texting my mom. Nothing cool their haha but yes I remember.

We don't know each other. We've never met, never even spoken, but your photo caught my eye and I ended up on your profile. And let me tell you, you're so, so beautiful. Unbelievably gorgeous. You're just perfect and I wish I knew you. Well, this is probably kind of annoying, so I'm gonna go c:

Awwwwh that's so sweet! Tell me who this is (:
Liked by: Ty O Yates


Language: English