
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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did you seriously send out a tbh of yourself to people? what are you desperate for attention?

I didn't do that. I swear it was not me. And I'd like to know who it is because they keep asking all these people that hate me.
Liked by: Blank

Okay girl i can guarantee it wasn't me asking you all this shit because 1. I'm not that rude to people I don't even know and 2. I would say stuff to your face if I felt something was needed to be said . I asked if you guys were talking because I was just wondering and that's the only thing I said

bakerlaney’s Profile Photolaney baker
Okay thank you for being honest
Liked by: courtney myers

1. learn how to spell landon 2. he obviously likes her more than you because you're the one friend zoned bitch 3. you don't even know that's her so shut the fuck up ?

Please tell me how I was friend zoned if I never liked him like that in the first place?
Liked by: laney baker

What makes you really mad?

When someone goes off on me just because I'm friends with a guy they like. It's not my fault he doesn't like you lmao and you know who you are.

You just admitted to telling your dad you and Landon were taking omg

No I didn't. I said if you know me well enough to say I told him. I didn't tell him that but you must well me know enough to even say that because some random person wouldn't just randomly put my dad in the conversation.

who's your supposed bf ? or is he imaginary ..

He's real and if you know we well enough that you can say that I told my dad me and Landon were talking you should know who it is

ugly ass bitttchh . go eat some more then make yourself throw up and maybe you'll be socially acceptable . don't get your hopes up though ugly ass face and hair like wtf did you like glue cotton candy in it?nasty motherfucker

Thanks I'm flattered. Oh and just an fwi I struggled with an eating disorder for 2 years so don't you dare fucking tell me to eat some more and then throw up. You just want to put me down to make you feel better about yourself but honestly I don't give a fuck because I've been put down so many times I've learned to not let it hurt me. So have fun trying

god was never a freshman. and its just the fact that your face is trifling ya hoe

I know it is.... I know I'm not pretty so you don't have to keep telling me. And I'm a virgin so I'm not a hoe honey.


Language: English