
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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Thoughts of laney baker

Honestly I have nothing against her. I think she's really pretty and I hope we moved on from the whole thing that happened last Monday. I personally don't hate her but I think she hates me.
Liked by: courtney myers

But still most people have 2 BEST FRIENDS so If they need to talk to one if them and they can't tell one of them they turn to the other BEST FRIEND


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So if someone asked you if there your best friend that your really friends with you would just lie unless it's Meghan

No. If someone asked me if they were my best friend I wouldn't lie. Yes I have normal friends and good friends but only one best friend. There's only 2 other friends who even come close to Meghan

Well you only talk about Meghan I just assumed

I talk about a lot of other people. I just talk about Meghan the most because she's my best friend.

Yep so funny ...

Don't you understand that you're pretty much doing the same thing to me as your saying I'm doing to them? You're a sophomore picking on a freshman dumbass


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