
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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I don't know you that well but I just wanted to say that you're beautiful despite what anyone says and you definitely aren't fat! Don't let them get to you! & you're not a bitch either! You just say the truth and you are smart about it to just like I am hahaha! Keep you're head up!

maddogggg13’s Profile PhotoMadison McKay-Bradds
Haha thanks! (:

whoever is saying rude things to and about kaitlyn needs to grow some balls and say who you are. you are the bitch not her. get a fucking life and leave her alone, she has done nothing to any of you.

Thank you! Who is this ?(:

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Stop asking who i like ik its you

What the actual fuck ? Idk who this is but I don't give 2 shits about who anyone likes . So whoever this is, next time don't accuse someone unless they have unchecked anonymous and you 100% know its them. K? K.
Liked by: Avery Wells

Ily kaitlyn u r beautiful no Matter what the freaks say they're all jealous of ur perfection !

Thanks but if you really knew me you'd see I'm far from perfection

People, she isn't a whore. She's actually a pretty nice person. Look in the mirror before you say stuff like this. She is an actual person with actual feelings. Ever had that thought? And people like you are the kinda people that drive people towards suicide daily. Next time stfu & think.

Thankss who's this ???

Name any 3 things that make you smile?

1) being called beautiful
2) going to the mall
3) feeling important to someone


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