
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

Lots and lots of bullying. Yeah other sites have bullying but this one is by far the worst. People do not use this site for what it was intended for. It was made so you could like send your crush a little anonymous question asking him who he likes or something like that, not to go on someone's profile and tell them to go kill themselves. There have been multiple people who have committed suicide because of this website. This society just disgusts me. I don't know how someone can sit behind a computer screen and type the words "go kill yourself". What if they actually did it? What if they had so much going on that just that one little anonymous comment made them break. Then they would go take all of the pills out of their medicine cabinet and take every single one of them. They would go to sleep that night knowing that they'd never wake up. Their parents would walk in the room in the morning to wake them up and they would see their own son or daughter laying there motionless and dead. After you'd find out you'd regret ever telling them to kill themselves. you would feel terrible knowing that there isn't a single way you could fix what you did. You practically murder a person and you'll have to always live with that. People need to stop and realize that what they say hurts others and it's not right. This is the worst society. End rant.

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Who is your number one best friend.? Why

Meghan and Kaycee, I can't pick just one. I love them more than anything in the world <3

Hey ! like 50 of my recent answers and ill like 55 yours, if you don't want to then I understand :) im also following you now, thanks and stay beautiful <3?

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