
Doc Jazz ✌ طارق

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I agree with you on Bashar Al Assad. But we cannot deny, he did contribute most to resistance in bladna and in lebanon.. Agree?

I have serious doubts about that. I have seen no resistance against 'Israel' coming from him. What matters most to me is the integrity of Syria, not him.
Liked by: GH،Independent

What is you opinion about Bashar al-Assad? I mean, you think is a dictator or you think that everything is manipulated by the media

I have no doubts that he is a ruthless dictator. However, I also believe that the situation is being heavily exploited by the West and its allies to serve their geopolitical interests, and that the Syrian people are the ones paying an incredibly bloody price.

How do you show people that you care deeply about them?

The people that I care deeply about, know that I do, but it is expressed in actions, words, and - in some exceptional cases - in a song :D

Zou jij een twee staten oplossing kunnen accpeteren voor palestina-israel

Hoogstens als tijdelijke oplossing.

You knew Sammer? I always have the idea that everybody knows in Palestine like in a small twon

It's almost like that, isn't it? Don't forget the diaspora and displacement though. But in Palestine, we always at least know someone who knows the person.

So sad. I was really hoping that you can see Samer Issawi when he out of prison

I visit Palestine regularly, and I hope to visit him one day !

Do you live in Palestine?

No, I don't. Between five and six million Palestinians are not allowed to live in Palestine.

Ben je Sjiet, Soennie, Katholiek, Joods, Koptisch, Orthodox?

Ik ben Moslim. Er zou verder geen verdeling moeten zijn, maar ik ben Sunni.

İk heb blaren onder mijn voeten, oké?

Dat lijkt me niet echt okee ... lijkt me best lastig. Sterkte ermee !

Jij komt heel sterk op voor Marokkanen in Nederland. Goed zo. Ik lees wel eens je stukjes. Ga zo door!

Dank je wel ! Fijn dat je ze leest. Ik zal altijd voor ze op blijven komen!

Don't forget Syria. I only see u tweeting for Palestine.

I am not forgetting Syria and I have tweeted about it. I admit I focus on Palestine, that is true. But my sympathies are with all Arab peoples, and all oppressed people around the world.

Why dont u make more songs in arabic?

The overwhelming majority of Arabs already sympathize with the Palestinians. I want my music to communicate our struggle to the world; therefore the language of choice is English, which also fits in best with the styles of music that I compose. However, I do have quite a few Arabic songs. Sometimes that is how I wish to express myself.

I stduy medicine and I play guitar. How can u a surgeon and musican?

Keep studying well, and keep practicing on your guitar. You will end up being a doctor and a musician !

Are you coming to perform in the UK? I heard something like that. Where? When?

The idea was floated, indeed, but unfortunately we couldn't make it happen. Maybe some other time !
Liked by: neza

Kan ik een kaartje kopen voor je concert op 1 Juni? Waar?

De organisatoren hebben nog niet aangegeven hoe de kaartverkoop verloopt, en of er toegang geheven wordt. Zodra ik het weet zal het worden bekend gemaakt, in ieder geval ook op www.docjazz.com . Leuk als je komt !

Komt er ook een uitleg waarom het de laatste keer is?

Ik zal erover nadenken of ik dat nog publiekelijk gaat toelichten.

Is dat niet om aandacht te trekken. Sorry maar zo lijkt t.

Hahaha nee hoor echt niet ! Kan zijn dat het zo overkomt. Ook sorry daarvoor.

Wordt het echt je laatste optreden? Zoiets heb ik gehoord.

Wel het laatste dat ik in NL organiseer. Sorry voor de onduidelijkheden!


Language: English