
Doc Jazz ✌ طارق

Ask @docjazzmusic

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How would you comfort someone you love when he/she is depressed?

I would sit down with them and listen to all their complaints, and then support by showing the positive side of the coin. I believe in action - and that's what I would try to convey, to activate.

Wow 20 minutes! Amazing! So does the amount of time you put into a song make you like it just a little bit more than the ones recorded faster?

No, that really makes no difference ! #Superbowl194

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How much time did it take you to write and record a song? On an average, because I can understand that some take up more time than others.

The recording varies a LOT, and takes quite a lot of time, but the writing usually takes no longer than 15 minutes or so. I hear it in my head first, all I need to do is get it out. Lyrics flow instantly with the melody in my head, and 15 - 20 minutes later, the song is there.

I think your song Hungry is the first song in support of hungerstrikers. Right?

Yes, but I guess that was one of the very few subjects of the Palestinian struggle that I hadn't covered yet.
Liked by: روان.

I like the way you explained the choice of rap for 'Hungry'. I get it. It's beautifull that you let the message lead the style.

Thanks ! I guess my answer was kind of cryptical, but that's because I myself don't exactly know how these "choices" are made.

I hope that your new song 'Hungry' will give hungerstrikers the attention they deserve. Because the mainstream media has remained silence about this. Which is suspicious to say the least. I hope your song goes viral. What do you advise us, ordinary people to do to raise awareness?

Thanks !! Support all Samer Issawi actions, tweet, post, sing, write, draw, shout, protest - and listen to the song, and share it widely !

I'm especially impressed with the lyrics, amazing! And is it true that you play all the instruments yourself?

Thanks !! Yes, in the vast majority of my songs I do all the playing and recording entirely by myself.

Do you hope Samer will hear your song?

I mostly hope others will listen to it. I'm not sure Samer is into this style of music. The song aims to empower his message.

I think your new song 'Hungry' is amazing. It is clear what your inspiration was but can you tell me why you choose Rap?

I don't make such a choice deliberately. If u listen to my music, u will find I have a wide variety of styles. I guess the song chose rap, because of the message? I truly don't know exactly.

Why calling urself doc jazz if its not jazz?

It's a nickname that was given to me when I was still studying medicine.

What do u think of trending for Samer Issawi?

Everyone should join! Unfortunately the campaign for it lacks coordination, unlike previous trending campaigns for hunger strikers such as Khader Adnan, which was happening in a smoothly coordinated way and therefore resulted in getting the hashtag on the world trend list many times, sometimes for hours ! Too bad. Still, tweeting for Samer is essential. MUST DO.

Why did u choose jazz? So old-fashioned.

You probably never heard my music. It's not really jazz. That's just a name.

Are you trying to say that HUMANS are animals? We are not animals, we shouldn't kill animals for food because we're not LIKE them. We are humans, we have morals, we have a moral compass. We should only kill animals in desperate situations, the consumption of animals is not sustainable.

I respect your opinion, I just don't have the same.

Killing animals for fancy clothes.... whats ur opinion?

That is a very wrong reason to kill animals. I totally don't support that.

If you were to lose your power of speech tonight, what’s the one thing you would want to tell the pro-palestinian activists to improve themselves?


"Killing an animal for food is evil." What is your opinion?

Is it also evil when animals kill animals for food? That's nature, dude :D


Language: English