
Doc Jazz ✌ طارق

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What do you miss about the Netherlands, besides your family and friends?

To be honest: barely anything. I guess I miss the water sometimes, because I love fishing :D

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Like father like son then :). May Allah bless you and your family always.

Thank you, may Allah bless you and your loved ones too !

Do you think if you had a PA passport you would be treated differently in the UAE? And by differently I mean worse?

That's quite likely, but not only in the UAE. You know how this world works: Westeners get all the respect, wherever in the world they go. And that is an injustice.

Are your children musical too? Did one of them ever help you record a song?

My eldest son is very musical, self-taught on bass and guitar, plays keys too - and composes songs ! As soon as his skills are up to standards, I would love to involve him in a recording. That is, if he wants that too ;)

What nationality is your passport? Dutch?

Yes. Born and raised in the Netherlands. Still, Palestinian to the bone.

If you had to go without tea or coffee for a month, which would you omit?

I've always been a coffee-man, but recently I am discovering the pleasures of tea. However ... I guess if I had to do without one, I'd still skip the tea ;)

Don't you want your daughter to live in a female friendly society?

I don't consider this society to be female-unfriendly at all. Nor does she.

Did you have an unpleasant childhood?

I had a lovely childhood, but things were vastly different in the Netherlands back then. The changes that have happened over the years have been nothing short of drastic.

Why did you leave Europe?

To let my children have a pleasant childhood in a non-Islamophobic environment. And we are loving it !

You do everything by yourself. Why is that? Wouldn't having a band make it easier?

I've always worked like this. Surgery is an intensive career, it doesn't leave much room to do other things if u have to depend on others. However, if u do things alone, u can manage ur own time, and then much more is possible. But in a way you are right - it would make some things easier, definitely.

What are your ambitions in life? when it comes to musivc, personal life, professional etc ....?

All I want is to see Palestine free. As for personal ambitions: being the best surgeon that I can be. With the music: my ambition is to be able to leave something for the next generation of Palestinians - especially those in the diaspora - that can inspire them.

Is there a difference in making music from the UAE and from the Netherlands? Like in colaboration. If so, what has changed?

I make my music from my own home studio, so I haven't noticed a big difference. And on the song Right of Return, I actually was able to include Susanne Alt with some fabulous saxophone solos, purely through online communication :D

Y r u so sexy?

LOL well I can't answer that. I don't see myself as such. I see myself as one hell of a stubborn Palestinian, mainly ;)
Liked by: HiBA

Do you make money selling your music?

Barely ! But I am totally not interested in that. From time to time, I give all my songs away for free.

If it's natural from us to kill other living beings for food, would that justify me killing another human for food (I know its sick but for the sake of argument) whilst we both are stranded in an island with no food?

My answer to that is of course, no, but that does not help you make your point in any way. You are motivated by ideological zeal, not by logic. That is ABSOLUTELY fine by the way ! But just say: I believe this and this is better, instead of attempting to fiercely impose your beliefs upon others.

"Killing an animal for food is evil." What is your opinion? You answered: Is it also evil when animals kill animals for food? That's nature, dude :D If I said animals do not have a conscience or morals what would you say then?

I think you are extending this discussion beyond the purpose of Ask.fm - but humans biologically are omnivores, not herbivores. This is not even a point of discussion - it is a biological fact. Inserting principles that move away from this biological build is totally fine with me, but cannot be argued as if it is the inevitable outcome of logical thinking. Animals have no morals; humans do, and you can't impose YOUR morals upon other humans.

what do you think about over-sized women?

I look at it from a health perspective - can't help that as a doctor, right? Hopefully they find a way to get in better shape.


Language: English