
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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but do speak it fluent

No not anymore, i did but i haven't spoken French in a long time so now it's getting worse, i actually start getting bettet at Spanish then French mweh :(

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so u know who i am xD die

I know you're a fucking friend, and this is just pathetic what you're doing.. Don't see what i did to you to make you say such things while you're struggling yourself too and i've helped you with that and i've been there for you and you act like you're here for me to but behind my back you send me these asks well thankyou very much :)

waarom reageer je nie op me andere asks

Wtkkf ga ik lopen praten met een mafkees die niet eens z'n/haar naam durft zeggen :s

je zit altijd in geweldadige en slechte relaties miss ligt dat tog aan jezelf ;)

Hoe dan als je geen kkr vanaf weet? :s

Seriously when is that idiot gonna stop being so mean to you.. You don't deserve that you already have enough things to deal with jezus...

What do you mean?

why do u know so much ure super duper smart

Because i study, not only in school but i actually pay attention to everything i see and hear, thankyou lol

well i am suicidal and i know you survived that and i just don't know what to do

It's still a struggle, i didn't survive it, but i think you should go to the doctor, most docters will talk a lot of bullshit it's just a case of finding the right one

hey i see youre not happy today i hope this helps i find you really beautiful en strong please hold on

thankyou, who are you?

What is the formula of happiness?

I don't think everybody can be happy, i think most people are just lucky to be able to be happy and some people are just really unlucky to not be


Language: English