
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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advice you'd give kids based on your experience?

be carefull, life is hard, it'll break you and once you've been broken you can't be fixed anymore. you're stuck in pain and hurt and sadness, and when you think life's finally getting any better for you, it'll hit you again..

I realy need you... I'm overdepressive

i'm so so so sorry! really pff, i've been struggling myself too lately that's why i haven't answered any asks, again i'm really sorry! if you still want to talk or need help, i'll be glad to try

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Ik wil weg hier, ik wil ofwel kleren ontwerpen ofwel acteren, how???

go make it! eerst opleiding afmaken die erop aansluit en dan blijven proberen, good luck x

how do you fix all those depressive people? Ö

You can't 'fix' them, you can however be there for them and pick them up if they need it

advies voor rasistish katholieken?

Racisme heeft niets te maken met katholieken, racisme is een bepaalde groep mensen beoordelen. Het is gewoon fout. De beste manier is om mensen te leren kennen als 'mensen' niet als een bepaalde groep, dan zul je merken dat we allemaal hetzelfde zijn. Sommige van ons zijn eikels, sommigen niet.

denk je dat 't leven 'tzelfde is als voetbal dat we gebruik moeten maken goals scoren conditie krijgen enzo

Het leven is in zekere zin een wedstrijd. Zoals er bij voetbal regels zijn, zijn er dat bij het leven ook. compassie/mededogen en vriendelijkheid, volg deze regels en je zult een succesvol leven lijden, negeer ze en je wordt uiteindelijk uit het spel gezet

when did you start giving people advice and stuff? i wouldn’t mind being seen as a guru like you are :D

It just happened i guess, at first i would get a question here and there about anything, then people discovered i've been through a lot so i know a lot about a lot, lol. I'm not a guru tho' hahahah :'(

ow do i deal with disappointment in a relationship

Time, it simply takes time. There's no magic short cut. If you discover one, please let me know ^^

advies voor rechten studeren met een laag niveau?

Rechten is niet zoals college, rechten leren is eigenlijk leren denken zoals een advocaat/jurist denkt. Je moet kunnen kijken naar complexe werkelijkheid en daar de juridische kwesties uit zoeken.

kan je verschil uitleggen tussen objectief en subjectief van filosofie

In filosofie verwijst het onderscheid tussen objectief en subjectief meestal naar oordelen en schuldvorderingen van de waarnemer. Objectief is dus zeg maar persoonlijk en subjectief zijn oordelen

hoe moet ik mijn angst overwinnen? ik kom bijna nooit het huis uit en ik werk ook niet en woon nog bij mijn ouders omdat ik bang ben voor deze wereld ik ben nooit in relaties omdat ik bang ben gekwetst te worden ik voel me niet fijn in mijn eige lichaam het voelt alsof ik erin gevangen zit

Lijkt op paniekaanvallen met agorafobie (pleinvrees), het kan worden verholpen met serotonine heropname remmers zoals 'lexapro' en therapie. Beste is geleidelijke acclimatisering, dat is je angst overwinnen door oog in oog te staan met je angst, langzaam opbouwend. Misschien is het goed om naar therapie te gaan.

u seem to give good advice to people who need it but it looks like you're the one who needs someone more than anyone....

I'm the helper, i don't get help..

V agree! waarom denk je dat je niet goed genoeg bent?

Because people make me feel that way and i've heard it a million times

ksnap t niet waarom denk je zo slecht over jezelf je bent een geweldige meid! waarom ben je zo onzeker je hebt alles je bent slim mooi lief behulpzaam. je moet niet zo denken over jezelf dat je niks waard bent of dat iedereen beter is dan jou

Tears.. This means a lot to me :( wie ben je?

whats the deal with u and people

They always say they'll never leave yet they do, just like that they stop talking. That's why i don't bother with people anymore because i'm always left, everyone leaves me

whats wrong darlin

My parents hate me and don't take me serious i have no friends i'm not good at anything i feel like giving up on school i always give up on anything i'm not good enough pretty enough smart enough i always ruin everything i can't compare to all those girls i feel horrible and i don't see the point anymore

Hey beautiful, keep your smiles up, cause no matter what's making you sad, always remember there are things that make you happy too , keep holding on those good things

Ahw this really made my day! Thank you do much! Who are you? X

dont u ever get tired or too busy to help people

I will NEVER be to busy to listen to anybody. Sometimes i am busy and when i get a lot of asks it's hard to answer them all in time but i will always make time. I try to answer asks when i'm at school the whole day, when i get home, when i'm doing anything with a friend or something, when i'm eating diner. It's good to do those things like go out with a friend and need to pay attention in school but i just think it's more important to help someone who asks for your help because you never know in what kind of situation they are, they could just say 'hey' because they're lonely but at the same time trying to commit suicide and when you don't answer fast enough it could be just too late. The only time i can't reply is when i sleep or i'm in the shower or i have no internet connection

You're really a big help and a listening ear for those who don't have anyone.. I think I have you on fb, but giving my identity here would be weird everybody'd see it

Just talk to me on fb chat then if you want to. That's really sweet i'm glad i can help people ^^

Isnt it hard to read all this story's and people who want to kill themself

It's really hard, it hurts me to know people are in that much pain. But the more serious the situation, the more i feel like i need to help. And it just feels so good to know that i actually can help these kids

And, I been through a lot, Since then I never let anyone close to me, so I don't have a true friend, even if i do have so many 'friends'. It's like, when I need someone, there's no one that'll listen

I totally feel you! It's so frustrating i know. Sometimes you just get to the point where you're like done trying. I'm sorry to hear all that, i think you're a really strong person because you tried so many times and you stay 'loyal' to people who don't do anything about it. If you need a real friend, i would be glad to be that

Because it's always me contacting people, they would never even send me a message if I didn't. I don't get it.. I'm nice to everyone, I don't have a bad thing in me and they still don't appreciate it.. Sometimes i think it's enough that I've been good to everyone

That sounds like me.. Here's my view of it, if people don't put efford in it then you shouldn't either. I did this, i was always the one who needs to start a conversation and i stopped because i thought it was just pointless, i've had enough. And now none of my 'friends' ever contact me themselves. I do feel lonely sometimes i just wish i had a friend again but it's like i'm done. Don't put efford in someone who doesn't put efford in you. Who are you tho'?

Ur a wonderful person. Ive been cutting for so many years and i finally stopped and ive gotten better. I try to help friends too. The world needs more people like i

I'm so proud you no longer self harm! It's really awesome that you try to help and listen to people

There's no one that cares about me, I think about ending my life so much what should I do...

Don't say that, i care about you! Please don't give up there's so much beautiful things in this world you deserve to see. What made you think no one cares about you darling?

my friend knows i cut and it kills him but i can't stop cuz i'm addicted what should i do

You need to explain to him how hard it is, i'm sure it kills him but it kills you too, this pain. You should, however, really try to stop cutting. Maybe you can put a rubber elastic around your arm and every time you feel like cutting, pull it up and let it go.

Nobody understands how hard i try holding back my tears

I feel you, it's okay to cry it doesn't mean you're weak. You don't trust people enough to cry in front of them and show them your flaws, that's okay, as long as you got just one person you can show your emotions. I litteraly only cry in front of my boyfriend and it's a relief believe me, just that one person you're sure of they're always there for you

do u think its ok to stay in an abusive relationship if you really love them

Absolutely not, it causes so many problems, i've been there done that. You're worth a perfect relationship and someone who respects you and actually protect you instead of hurt you

here's Holly from this morning, just wanted to let you know i haven't cut and i'm still alive and thank you

I'm so proud of you, thank YOU for staying <3

i can not keep my hands off the razor i just need to be punished do u ever feel that way

Please try, suicide isn't the only answer! I used to feel like i need to be punished yes, but i realised it wasn't my fault, and whatever happened to you it's not your fault either!

Have you struggled with any eating disorder or do you know anyone who did and can you help people who struggle with it

No i haven't but yes i do know people who have and i can't really help people i'm not a doctor or a wizard but i can always listen to people with any kinds of disorders or who need advice and i can support them

y dont u ever talk about what happened to u

I'm always torn between wanting to tell people my story or keeping it to myself. The problem is, being outwardly unhappy pushes people away, no matter if they say they're always here for you, they aren't, believe me i learnt that the hard way. On the other hand, to pretend that everything's fine is like poison yourself from inside out, to ignore what happened and lose yourself. So wich is better? To have friends that think you're melodramatic, seeking attention and pessimistic and then in the end they're all gone or to drown in your own mind?

my bf broke up with me i'm so sad :'(

Ofcourse it hurts sweety, just make sure it doesn't hurt as much as it did during the relationship sometimes, if that's the case then it was probably the best thing


Language: English