
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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so theres this boy and he has a looot of muscles do u think someone can have too much ?

Muscles are good i like muscles, i don't think you can have too much easily but those bodybuilders they're like just creepy, that's just too far..

you seem to be good at giving advice, i just really want to kill myself sometimes

Please don't, one day you will look back and realize things have actually gotten better, you'll get happier, it'll take time but i promise it gets better!

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i know its lame but today its the first day i havent cut in a week

That's not lame, i'm very proud of you i know how hard it is been there done that, i was 'clean' for like 4 years and then i kinda fell back into it but now i quit for idk a couple months, please keep your head up and keep this going!

what would you do if you see your ex kissing another girl?

Qq whut? Nuttin' she ain't got nothing on me and he ain't got nothing on my boy ^^

What do you miss most

A friend you can randomly talk to about anything and also can talk to about your problems and they'll listen and be there for you and talk to you 24/7 and help you and cheer you up, yeah i really really miss a real friend..

pff ik mis u nog altyd ge waart men beste vriendin rn kheb spyt van alles wa dak heb gezegt en gedaan :(

Kijk eh als ge zijt wie dat kik denk da ge zijt, ich zen nog altij kwaad omdat ge me gewoon in steek liet kom eh, dat doet ge toch niet, en omdat ge gewoon meepraatte met die onzin mais bon ik heb toen beseft dat kik zo " vrienden " nie moe hebben, wie me toen zogezegd aan de kant heeft geschoven heb kik niks nemeer mee te maken ge weet da goe genoeg, ik miste u ook maja wa nie gaat da ga nie eh.. Ah fin, als ge een fatsoenlijk gesprek wilt praat op fb xo

how come you get asks from your tumblr followers?

Because my i connected my tumblr with it lol, so every time i get an ask on tumblr it automatically appears on my ask.fm but i don't always respond on ask.fm depends on the situation and the person

u just care about the followers thats y i hate u

Ofcourse sweety, i don't care about THE followers i care about MY followers

people, LET'S STAND UP FOR THIS GIRL! we need to do something about that anon she/he's a prick

Hahaha thanks cutie but i don't need people to stand up for me, still love ya'll tho'


Language: English