
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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so my bf has 2 girls he's close to and they talk and hang out a lot and i hate that they're so close how should i feel

I feel you, doesn't feel good at all

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What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

They allowed me EVERYTHING -__-

V what that anon said!!! i'm gon make a tumblr FuckYeahTeamLiesa cause you deserve all credits

Ahw, i just kinda help myself by helping others i guess

why do boys always screw us over

Here's the thing; we are all so important to someone until some bitch comes along

thank u so much for being there for me, for everybody your followers love u just remember that

I'm glad people ask me for help, i do all i can. I love ya'll too x

i just cant stop crying i feel so replaced he just lied to me for so long

If he replaces you, you should do the same i know for sure there's someone better, it takes a lot of time but it's gonna be okay. What you need right now is some girl time and time for yourself!

my bf just broke up cuz he seeing another im broken dont know what to do so i went to u

He's a total ass! Keep your head up sweetie i bet your way better than that skank girl, you're worth so much more than that douchebag i promise!

wow holy shit u have a wonderful personality ur going to be famous some day

Because of my personality? :( thanks tho'

DO U EVER GET HATE ANONS??? all i see is people loving u omg why can't i be u :(

Lol idk? ;( i actually never really had a hate anon..

wheres your cover? can't find it on your blog and i want to listen it you got a lovely voice

Lol it's gone mate, but thankyou x

U should leave, just sayin

You should shut your mouth, take your shitty head and stick it up in your own ass, JUST SAYING xo

whats your biggest problem

I can't control my thoughts and when i want to stop them and what i wanna think of, and in my case that's the worst thing

ik kan hem niet vergeten wat moet ik doen?

Denk aan de vorige jongen bij wie je dat dacht, daar ben je ook overheen gekomen. Het heeft tijd nodig, heel veel tijd, maar het kan ook al lijkt het op zo'n moment zo onmogelijk

i don't know how to tell him it hurt me

It's hard, i know it is, i think you should tell him at the moment he's making the mistake, like, say that you don't like it and that it hurts you. I guess that's the easiest way

so theres this guy and he kinda always keep making the same mistakes and it hurt me so bad but i am scared to tell him cuz he may think i am a loser for being hurt

Well sometimes we just continue feeling hurt and don't say anything because we secretely HOPE it'll change, even tho' we know it won't happen, we HOPE he'll treat us right and realize that whatever he's doing is wrong. You should, however, tell him tho'

well i kinda have no friends and no one to ever talk to and got so much on my mind

I'm your friend and you can always talk to me! Xx

i feel like shit and i don't know who to talk to so i came to you cuz youre always nice to ppl even if you dont know em and you give the best advice

I'm always here for you, always, anon or not! And my ask on tumblr is open 24/7 for everybody x


Language: English