
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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i know you prob hear that a lot but i think it really help ppl realize theyre not alone

I can never hear that a lot hahah, hearing that is what keeps me going ^^

its amazing & brave you post things about depression & insecurity plz keep doing that

Thankyou i will!

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I really think your a strong woman, just remember you're not only having people who like to see you hurt but you also have inspired a lot of people by telling your storys and that is what brings more lovers than haters remember that :)

Omg who are you? :(

i once hears u talk english with jamaican accent not sure but can u?

I can, but when you heard it, as you say, i was probably joking haha

Why do people smoke?

Because they're stupid obv, they want to die early or something they think YOLO WE'RE YOUNG FUCK HEALTH AND SHIT

waarom reageer je op die haat anons

Omdat ik wil dat mensen weten dat ik niet alleen maar leuk en aardige dingen krijg, dat ik niet onmenselijk ofzo ben dat het me ook echt wel wat doet, en mensen duidelijk maken waarom ik zo onzeker ben, precies om dit en maakt niet uit of ik ask en alles verwijder, dat blijft gezegd worden

its obvious je bent dom als je het niet merkt :(

You're kidding me right? Lol okay enough with the jokes -__-

why are you so mean to guys??

I don't talk to boys only 2 or 3 cause i trust them and they're nice and help me and that's it the rest of the boys i don't like

U should delete ur askfm and everything else

Why? Cause of 1 stupid fuck that keeps sending me hate anons?

age? location? Single/taken? height? bra size? Current bra colour? virgin? Current underwear colour? type of underwear most?

18, 040, TAKEN, waarom ben jij zo'n stommerddddd?


Language: English