
Liesa Capone

Ask @liesacapone

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so when my bf is with his friends i rly wonder what theyre talking bout. he says theyre not talking bout girls and stuff like that but ive heard that boys do that...

well that's a lie. they do talk about other girls, look at other girls, think about other girls, they lie. and we'll never understand why. even women who say they 'understand' men, they really don't. because we're not like that. yes we can be bitched too, but it's not in our genes to look, think, or talk to or about other men. i'm not saying women are more faithfull 'cause that's not true. and i'm not saying that men who look at other women are unfaithfull. it's just men. and we don't WANT to understand, we don't TRY to understand because IT HURTS. we try our best to NOT think about it.

vind je sommige vragen niet vervelend??

idk, sommigen zijn moeilijk te beantwoorden maar je mag vragen wat je wilt, daar is het ask voor

why are you so depsressed lately, if i may ask....

i'm sick of never being good enough and i'm done trying to be

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why dont u talk to ppl

you act like everything's fine, so no one worries about you, but you're not. deep down you wish you had someone to talk to or hug. you don't want to explain why you're so hurt because the hurt made you so tired, you just want them to be there for you and to understand and take care of you.

why do men give us heartache

they hurt us, even tho' they don't want to or mean to. they don't realize the things they do hurt us. we're a lot different then men, we keep thinking and thinking about things so it keeps hurting us.

write something for us

you know what feeling completely broken is like? it doesn't even actually physically hurt. it feels like you're in a rollercoaster, except, the feeling you normally get in your belly, you feel in your heart. it's like your heart skips a beat or flips over. it doesn't physically hurt, we say that it does, but it doesn't. it hurts emotionally, and to be honest that's the most painfull state of hurt you can be in. and you get really tired of it. the one moment you cry all your tears out, and then the other moment you can't even cry at all. all you can think is that you just want it to stop. that's when you know you're really broken.
Liked by: Adam Rowe

what do u think of the expression: "Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact"

it's a lie

what should u do when ur too hurt?

at some point you just need to realize that it's been enough! that's the biggest step, to accept the fact that you're done. if you get hurt over and over again, you automatically become more done with that shit. even tho' you think that you can't let that thing go, at some point you'll be able to let it go, when you're completely done with it.

Hardest feelings?

being replaced, lied to, compared to someone else, not feeling good enough, being forgotten

Do u think everybody gets hurt as much as others do?

the good people always end up being hurt most

i can read your stories for hours and never get bored. they are beyond amazing

ahw thanks, that really means a lot to me!

i absolutely love your writing! one more plz?!

last one for today. Your smile, your sparkling eyes, the way you observe, look around, the way you look at me. Oh well, i can't resist mentioning how much i love all that. How much i love you. All your perfect flaws. I've fallen in a circle of love. Whether i'm still in love? Yes, but i've already put you on the term 'love'. A step higher. Whether you like it or not, you've become a part of me. A part of my mind and actions. An indispensable part, which is connected with fear. The fear of being left behind, something i hope never happens. I really don't care where i end up, as long as you stay by my side.


sure ^^ My ribs felt like they were broken.There was blood on my cheek and my legs felt weak. I just waited 'till i'd get in a shock, so i wouldn't feel the pain anymore. I wanted to be insensible. But i wasn't, i still felt too much. 'Keep walking' My mind said. The fear was like an electric shock in my head and kept me conscious. Every detail from what just happened, is etched in my memory. The screaming, the incoming train, the bottle bacardi from him shattered in my face. I stumbled along the rails, carrying myself away from that spot. I was to scared to go back home. I staggered further. The pain in my head slumped over my spine down and squirmed in my stomach. 'What does it matter? Why not give up? What do i have to live for?' But it was as if my body still wanted to stay alive, even when my mind had already given up. I kept walking, even tho' my heart told me to lie down on the ground and die.

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so ok this is my story. everybody leaves me no matter what i do. i don't have friends anymore. i try to make them but i don't know how to anymore. they just going to leave me anyway. i'm always alone. i like being on my own but i would like to have some friends too...

You're never completely alone. Even if it may seem like that and all your friend leave you, there's always one person who still cares. At some point we need to realize that we've done enough. I'm here for you, you're not alone x

i'm being bullied at school. they wait for me after school so i always come home late. every day at school is hell. the school says they can't do anything about it.

i'm so sorry to hear that. i'll never understand bullies. they really need to realize how much damage bullying can bring. i think it's best to talk to your parents about it, maybe you can switch schools. i really hope you'll be okay and if you're lonely keep in touch okay? xx

my mom never talks to me i don't know my dad i've done so much to try to communicate with my mom but we don't get along

parents are crazy people. everybody says you should respect your parents because they're always there for you but it depends. not all parents are good parents. ofcourse you should respect them, but they need to respect us too. they need to understand us and listen to us and support us. the only thing you can do about it is make sure you won't be a parent like that. keep your head up sweety x

What bout ur writing how do u do that

My mind is always writing. Even when it looks like i'm busy, my head is making texts and stories and dialoges. Even when it looks like i'm doing nothing, just staring at something, i'm writing in my mind. I write based on my experience and my feelings, i can't make things up, i'm not that kind of a writer.

liesa liesa liesa writing time

I don't understand, i try so hard. It's not fair. Looking for a man i can look at smiling, but still he sees the pain and hurt in my eyes.I say i'm fine, but he knows i can't look him in the eyes when i lie. I look down to hide the tears.I'm looking for a man who looks at me and realize just how much it hurts me. Why is it that they don't realize it? I try my best to be the perfect one. You see me all dressed up, hair done, makeup done, twinkles in my eyes. Not from happiness tho' it's from the tears i try to hide behind the makeup and the fake smile. I'll say 'i love you' a lot and every time you hurt me i'll say 'it's okay' because i do love you and i don't know what to do without you, even tho' it may hurt me to stay. I'll be good and listen to you, i won't counter. But when it gets too much for me, i'll get aggresive and yell at you because it'll remind me of things that happened. You'll yell back and get an angry look in your eyes and i'll get scared and back down. I'll try to hide because i'm scared of getting slapped or being called names. You'll say that it's fine, that you won't ever hurt me and slowly i'll be pulling myself together. But tell me, what do you see when you look at me? Do you see the fear, the anxiety? Do you see how broken i am inside? Do you see my flaws and how insecure i am? Or am i just a pretty face to you? Do you need more from me? Am i enough? I'm tired of not being enough. Every time you make a mistake and you hurt me, i try to let it go. Try to not let it bother me, but i can't. It's too much. I swallow my pride and the anger is boiling inside my head as i ball up my fists. But you don't know how much it actually hits me. I try, i try, i try. I really do. Maybe it's time for me to let it go, maybe it's time for me to walk away. I'm tired of taking for granted.

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how come you can speak so open about your depression? Ö

i'm not ashamed anymore. i used to be but i realized that it's not my fault, i can't help it i have depression. and i realized i'm not a 'freak' lik people use to say i am. you should never feel ashamed for any disorder or illness you have because you can't help it. are you gonna feel ashamed or feel sorry for having cancer? no. i didn't ask for depression, and it won't get any better if you don't talk about it

i've been clean from cutting and drinking bleach for a couple weeks but the urge is getting back, help me please

i don't know anything about drinking bleach, sorry. but what may help to stop the urge of cutting, is holding ice cubes in your hand or flicking a rubber band on your wrist. in combination with that you need to do things you enjoy for distraction

Can u tell us a bit bout ur experience with psychologist and stuff

well, that'll take long. the first time i went to see one, i was i think 8 years old. i don't remember anything except that i had to draw my family in animals. the man told my parents it's just who i am and they need to accept that. during the years i had to do a lot of tests. when i was 13 i started cutting and was really depressed. my mom found suicide notes in my room and took me to the doctor, who send me to a therapist. i had to do a lot of tests again and i had to take these anti depressiva pills. i quit after a year or so. i wasn't really open for any help. when we moved back to where i was born, i was looking for help myself at school. i went to see the school therapist once a week because i had a trauma and couldn't get over it myself. i also went to victim services but that didn't last long. this year i went to another school and again i was asking for help myself. i see my school therapist one day in 2 weeks and i get help at the GGzE. i talk to a therapist, a psychologist and go to system therapy with my parent. i get help for my suicidal thoughts, my overthinking, trust issues, traumas, and trying to remember my past

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i suffer from bulimia and dont know what to do anymore plz help

first of all you need at least one person you fully trust with that subject. you need support, wether that is from a friend or a family member. but then again, bulimia, anorexia, depression, anxiety and all sufferings like that are mental illnesses and need to be taken very seriously, so you also need to see a therapist. you can go to your doctor and tell him/her your problem and he/she will send you to the right help

is talking to a therapist difficult?

my parents aren't very supportive so for me it's easier to talk to a therapist than to talk to one of my parents or family, idk why maybe because it's a stranger and they get to know the real you right from the beginning. BUT you HAVE to have a connection with your therapist, either you won't talk at all. if you are, however, close to one of your parents, you can talk to them. it's completely personal

Why is it that we anxiest ppl can't talk about how we feel and what happened??

people won't understand us, no matter how much they tell us they're here for us, they just don't understand

when i see you you seem fine but when i read what you write you seem so broken...

i'm a writer, that's what writers do. we keep it all in and when it gets too much we just spill it on the pages. that's our escape

what u gonna tel ur kids when they ask u what went wrong my dear? =(

i'd tell them my life was a lot different then most people's lives, i won't lie about it, i want to protect them from everything i've been through and i won't have any secrets for them, they need to understand how hard life/people can be and what it can do to you

What do you consider 'depressed'? Do you think you are? Or how do you know if you are bc idk anymore

you know you're depressed when you can't get out of bed in the morning because you don't want to face people, you don't feel like doing anything, you cry a lot, or you can't cry at all, you overthink all the time and think about things you don't want to remember, sometimes you eat a lot even tho' you're not hungry and sometimes you're hungry but you don't feel like eating anything, you sleep a lot but you're still tired all the time, you're eyes are heavy and you don't see the point in anything anymore. i, personally, don't want to kill myself or anything, but if i die or don't wake up tomorrow i wouldn't really care. so you tell me, am i depressed?

your so lucky you don't get hate

should i really be lucky for having people telling me i'm perfect and awesome and all that but behind my back, i'm a 'bitch' and a 'freak' and 'fake'?

Whereve you been

i'm really sorry i haven't answered any asks in the past 10 days or so, sometimes when things are getting too much for me i just kinda step out of life idk

"Fear of not being good enough" Says the girl who is perfect!!

i am NOT perfect, i have so much flaws people have no idea of, and the ones that do know are just pointing them out for me..
Liked by: ツ lily ♥

Writing time!

hahah okay, so here we go: i try not to think that much, because every time i think about one thing, i end up thinking about everything and it hurts. It's that kind of hurt where you just sit there, staring at the walls, everything around you seems to be fading away. It's quiet but you can hear your head thinking loudly. It all plays in your mind like a movie. Your heart is aching and you feel yourself drowning. It's not the kinda pain where you're helplessly trying to breathe but it's hard because you're crying to hard and you can't stop. No, it's the kinda pain where you sit stare, you're too tired to move but eventually, one teardrop slowly falls down your cheek. That one teardrop carries so much pain and hurt, and while that teardrop is making his way down your face, you realize how hurt you really are and the reality starts to hit you again.

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how come you aren't close to people anymore

i was sick of being misunderstood and getting hurt so i said goodbye and that's how i got replaced

Your writing skills are amazing! Will you plz write a little something each day?

uh okay i think i can do that, if someone reminds me because i'll forget

whats ur mind like

my mind's an ass, it's like 'you need to be prettier and smarter and thinner and thicker at the same time and sweeter and better, because you suck!'


Language: English