
Blaire White

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Why would you rather be born trans?

I live a dynamic lifestyle because I am trans. I have had many unique life experiences that are directly related to me being trans. I've also been able to observe society and culture in a way that other people not be as easily attuned to. I'm not saying my life would be bad if I wasn't trans, but I love who I am and the things that being trans has brought me.

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What do you think or trannies in sports? Unfair?

It's unfair if they are placed on either team. Trans women experience a big loss in muscle and strength when they undergo HRT, so they would be disadvantaged on a men's team. They're still typically stronger than cis women though, so a women's team would be unfair as well. Perhaps their own league would be best

Would you get an orchiectomy? Would you ever adopt kids?

Both of those things are something I would consider a bit later in life. I'm only 22 so it's hard to say!
Liked by: Amsel The Great

What do you think the reason is for why the other side doesn't accept trans people?

I think there is a misconception that transgenderism is some kind of sexual deviancy. Trans people are also antithetical to many traditional values the conservative right holds.

Hi, I'm a tranny who isn't passable. Should I detransition? I have dysphoria, but being a tranny has made my life harder. It's a lose-lose. Advice? Thoughts? (Just reposting to make sure you see it)

I saw your original question and it's really hard for me to answer :/ I don't know your circumstances. Transitioning is not for everyone. And if it's made your life harder perhaps it's not the right avenue for you - but I really don't want to discourage you from pursuing your transition either.. Things can always get better. Stay strong

Hi, I'm a tranny too, and I have to ask how the hell is it not a mental disorder? We seriously don't think we are in the same gender as our body tells us.

Mental disorders are defined as "a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual"
What we can conclude from this definition is that something has to negatively affect your life and interrupt your functioning. Being transgender is not inherently disruptive. Gender dysphoria certainly is, but not all trans people experience dysphoria. I don't, and never really have.

As a transwoman, what makes you comfortable with having a penis? I don't mean to be rude, but I'm genuinely curious because I've always thought transwomen want to get rid of their penises because it corresponds with the opposite gender.

I dont know, the answer is simple though. I like that part of me and dont wish to change it


Language: English