
Blaire White

Ask @MsBlaireWhite

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Would you advise someone who could never pass as female to detransition or not even start? Please be honest.

It's hard to say.
I didn't think I would ever pass before I transitioned, but I do. So sometimes you can be stuck in this headspace of "I'll never pass" only to find out that when you actually work at it, you do.
Some trans women also don't prioritize passing and that's fine.. It's really hard to answer this.

Any tips for how to look so feminine?

Learn male and female facial and body proportions. Do everything you can to create the female proportions with your clothes, hair, and makeup.
But honestly a lot of it is genetic. I was mistaken as a female long before I transitioned.
Liked by: Amsel The Great

Why don't you talk about your veganism a lot?

I guess it's just not something I care to talk a lot about. I've been vegan for years, I don't think about it anymore. It's not a decision anymore, it's just the way I live my life.
I also just started YT under 2 months ago, I have lots of time to get around to it :)

Why do you eat organic (referring to your instagram ice cream picture)?

It just so happened to be organic. I myself am vegan so I just picked it out because it was vegan. I don't care about foods being organic or not.


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