
Joshua Dowse

Ask @xDowsey

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Are You Going to Update Faithful?

It has been updated to 1.7... It was updated ages ago... htpp://bit.ly/DowseysFaithful

An irrelevant and unimportant question, but I have been searching my stronghold in minecraft for atleast an hour and I can't find the portal room and the interwebs isn't shedding any light onto the situation. Any tips?

No ideas, sorry :(

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Why the lack of videos man?!?!?!?!?! Im not trying to sound impatient and I'm joking are you really busy at the moment?

Uni my friend. It takes up most of my time, with my spare time being spent asleep, with friends, or just some gaming by myself. I'm currently producing a short film, which I'll direct in March. I'll also be working on 3 feature films over the summer as well. Uni is busy, and YouTube seems unimportant on the grand scale of things.

Hey Dowsey I Wondered Where The X Came From In Xdowsey Why Is The X There?

Because 'Dowsey' was taken, so I just added an 'X' in front of it. The X means nothing, it could of been any letter really.

Hey Josh, how's life? Havnt been able to be in any stream lately, Are you enjoying Titanfall? And do you have any plans on making a BF4 lets play or just some random Gameplay now and then?

Steffen Olai
I'm great. Currently my life consists of Uni, Film, Friends, Rugby, and then a tiny bit of gaming if I have the time, so I don't really have any plans for making videos, I'll do it if I have the time / feel like have the energy :p

Did you know Thinknoodles left the UHC group?

NINJAPENGUIN415’s Profile PhotoJackson Giles
Yep, Think and I had a good conversation after he left. He apologised to me, and recognised that I was right about certain people. I then introduced him to MHC ;)
Liked by: Jackson Giles

So I didn't make the stream. How are you liking Titanfall? I'm loving it on my Xbox. My PC can't handle it.

Titanfall is hands down the most fun FPS game I've ever played!

Hey Dowsey could ya make a V-log or something? Really would like to see what's up with your life ;) Hoping your's is going better than mine... But Happy Birthday non the less!

Dylan Phillips
I've been meaning to make a vlog for a while now :)


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