
Joshua Dowse

Ask @xDowsey

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What's you advice starting up an Youtube gaming channel?

There's so much I could tell you, but I'll keep it to 5 points:
1. Have fun. Not having fun will make your time miserable. If you're having fun, so will others!
2. Haterz be mean, but they're literally no bodies on the other side of a computer screen. Delete and block.
3. Make frewndz. Everything is more fun together right? So is YouTube (plus it helps you grow!)
4. Don't get into it for the money. Ever.
5. Strap in. You've got a long journey ahead. Most YT'rs are where they are today due to A LOT of HARDWORK and a pinch of luck. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a YouTube channel. Follow the above steps, and you'll have a head start on the journey though!

what means awesome sauce? and what do you mean when you say "jesus is awesome sauce"?

Awesome Sauce is something that's totally awesome :)

When are you going to upload a new video on Saucesomeawe?

I can honestly say that there will be another video going up on Saucesomeawe sometime in the future :)

What is your all time favorite band?

I don't really have all time favorites, but I really enjoy Daft Punk, Radioactive, Sweedish House Mafia.
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Will you ever be coming to Ireland !?

I've been Ireland twice, and am wearing an Ireland shirt right now :P

What were the people on the course like? We get told that Btec students are weird people.

Define weird? I liked most of my class mates. I got on with them quite well :)


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