
Caitlin Beadles

Ask @Hellodollface333

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Now seriously you're the only one of justin's ex that I respect and like. selena doesn't care and jasmine judge him.. what the hell? got on jasmine twitter and you will see... I hate her.. you're the one who support him and still is there for him... you're my everything girl, thank you 4 being here

Well I don't really want to look at her twitter...
He helped her and now she doesn't even care
-_- Whatever I don't want to talk about her.
Thank you sweetie, I will always be there for him. He's a good guy who is living his dreams.
What does he do in his private live is only his business and no one should judge him.
People are so good at judging others but never them selfs.
Liked by: Call me Crazy

Hey cait it's me , butsy said to call him cause jay is upset I tried to text you but it didn't send ? x

Hey, I'm sorry.. my wifi was out and I broke my phone, why? X
Liked by: Call me Crazy

How did you feel while you were in the hospital the day of your accident? Did you dream something? Did you feel anything? please answer me

Well Nothing that I can remember. I did feel a lot of pain and all I remember is that before I was in coma my friends were crying and telling me to stay will them. When I wake up at the hospital, it was a week after my accident so I can't really remember everything. I remember that I was shocked because I looked at my leg and I just didn't know what's going on around me.
Also my recovery was very painful because I needed to fight with myself and I needed to start walking again so yes it was really painful but I am alive and I'm blessed. This is all that matters to me.


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