
Caitlin Beadles

Ask @Hellodollface333

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Do you mean you are only friends with Justin and dating Marcus'? Or dating Justin and only friends with Marcusc i cant keep up with ya love life gal

I'm not dating anyone but I'm a friend with both.
haha wish it could be complicated as everyone think it is

whaaaattt ? on which place was you? why you didn't say this? omfg you was in germany and i didn't meet you.. my life has no more sinn

Airport haha, don't panic, I just stuck there when I was on my way home

Why are your tumblr post so sad and about mental illness. Do you consider yourself depressed? ( I am not saying this in a mean way)

Well most of the time when I'm on tumblr my mood sucks and when I read and see something that tells everything what I feel, I share it with everyone but I'm not depressed. I'm a very happy person who have good and bad days. Don't worry, I'm great :)


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