
Caitlin Beadles

Ask @Hellodollface333

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you know justin better than me , you know that he gonna read if you sent this to him ..

I will try but I can't promise you that he will read it :/

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but you can't just send this to him ? :( because in this moment i just wanna die :'(

I don't know if he will read this.. but you should keep trying to send this to him

read this please http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rjc135 , thanks

Aww, thats really cute and Justin also should read this.
Now I'm answering your question, yes I know how it is to love someone who actually doesn't know anything about your feelings.. It's sucks and it's really hurt but you can't always wait for Justin even when you knew about him before he was famous.. And keep believeing in that you will meet him one day, I'm sure that God will listen to you and let you to meet him 1 day. Just believe and it's okay. Thank you for sharing this with me :)

YOU + JUSTIN= perfect couple , PLEASEEE! selena is false , is a Bitc*, you no, you're PERFECTTTTTTTTT...

Thanks for thinking that I'm perfect but can you please do not write to me about those things.. I mean its kinda rude and i don't want to be apart of this
Liked by: ❀29.10.13❀


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