
Caitlin Beadles

Ask @Hellodollface333

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You are honestly so beautiful, i wish you all the best in your life and i hope that you will go far because you have the sexiest figure and the most beautiful face.

Aw thank you so much, its nice to hear that people notice how hard I work on my body and believe me its hard when I eat Cheetos almost every day :D but I also would like to make a point on something you just said. Beautiful face and sexy body will not give us best life. don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to say that happy life is not just about looking good and sexy to impress other people.

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Do you pick and choose your friends?

yes I do because I learn from my mistakes that I shouldn't be friends with someone who wanted to be friends when they needed fame or attention. I don't need that kind of people in my life and now I'm only friends with those who showed me that I can trust and rely on them.


Language: English