
Caitlin Beadles

Ask @Hellodollface333

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From what I see on your profile your an intelligent beautiful young lady who gets a lot of hate and rude comments which you don't deserve, I know it's really random but I just thought I'd tell you

Aw, thank you so much for kind words :) I do but it doesn't bother me to be honest. Some people hates me, probably for not a good reason because no one actually know me but I can't do anything about that even if I would love to so its fine.

do u feel bros heart?

You keep asking me the same question and I keep telling you the same answer, so this is the last time I'm answering this question.
No, I'm not. He's fine and he already have a doctor so please, stop wasting your time and if you have any other questions, ask. I'll answer but not about my brother health.


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