
Celine Cayanan

Ask @celineloves16

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Which restaurants do you visit most frequently?

Maybe just.. Marchè? Cause that's the only restaurant I can think of right now.

What is better than chocolate?

Macarons and cookies and palmiers and oreos and strawberries and vanilla and caramel and Starbucks and macchiatos and milk teas and new clothes and new shoes and vintage places and city lights and bokehs and polaroids and whipped cream and clouds and true friends and family and God.

What have you learned from your past?

To let go of all the negative things in life and live life the positive way.

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

When I was able to answer Mrs. Perez' Math questions on the first day of class.

What are your major goals in life?

To graduate. To have a good job. To help my parents in return. To have a good family.

What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?

- Eat breakfast lunch and dinner
- Take a bath twice or maybe thrice
- Read a book before going to bed
- Learn more about Singapore esp. accent
- Pray always.


Language: English