
Celine Cayanan

Ask @celineloves16

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Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

I just did. But..... In an opposite manner. I left not for him. But I'll be back! x

Ahh Crystalised

You don't move slow taking steps in my direction. The sound resounds, echo.. Does it lesson your affection..

wow nakikinig ka the xx. apir!

Things have gotten closer to the sun
And I've done things in small doses
So don't think that I'm pushing you away
When you're the one that I've kept closest.. La la la la..
Ah sorry nakikinig nanaman kasi ako. Haha. High five! xx

ano mga flavors inorder mo na macarons? is it good?

Pistachio, Strawberry Mint, Chocolate, Salted Caramel, Vanilla, Raspberry, Melon, Strawberry Candy Marshmallow. Yep def. good :)


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