
Celine Cayanan

Ask @celineloves16

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Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

The Notebook, Percy, Like Mike, 3 idiots, Mean Girls, Grown Ups, Click, etc xxxxxx

What did you dream about last night?

I don't wanna talk about it right now cause I hardly cried when I woke up.

hi ate, i don't think you should stress yourself too much in losing weight, you should just be you no matter what number that weighing scale shows

Hello. Thank you so much! I'm not losing too much, just exercising to bring back my goal weight. Hehe. Don't worry dear, I won't stress myself. Thanks for this message tho. :)

What helps you to make the right decision?

I can't answer that "what" question. But if it's a "who" question, God will always be my answer.


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