
♔ His Excellency ♔

Ask @xlnc

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in our spirit do you think there is a good side and a bad side or is it all shades of grey?

We have both sides...but most of the time the bad one takes over the good one...

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How's Your Day so Far ?

I had a great day Alhamdulillah! I was out of town yesterday and was tired to death, but it came off with colours....so put together I had a great yesterday and good today...

What do you do when you hit rock bottom (When you become really sad) ?

iRayanah’s Profile PhotoRayana.
As you can see it on my profile, all my feelings are pure and intense. I really can't get out of it when I'm sad. I meet as many friends as I can, spend most of the time with people and stay out of home most of the time. Beg to ALLAH to get me out of it...I often go far away from the city, where there is just nature...things like that...
Liked by: Ghadah_h Rayana.

cinderella or jasmine for you?

lol...i've seen many cinderellas...I would love to meet a Jasmine who would be my pillar of all sorts through out my life...Whenever I look into her eyes...I should see my paradise on earth...my mind my heart and my soul...she is the one am waiting forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................................................

اللي صورهم الرمزيه فيها اغراء للاخرين اونساء بملابس داخليه او مع رججال او حضن آو اي شي ثاني وانتو فآهمين ترا م مايجوز إنتبهوا كثيير لهذه الآيه:{ إن الذين يحبون أن تشيع الفاحشة في الذين آمنوا لهم عذاب أليم} أنا نشرته عشآن ما أكون كتمت على علم واللي يكتم العلم يوم القيآمه يلجم بالجام من نار ,فاعلة خير

insha Allah!

what should there be in a perfect day? ;D

Meshal bin Othman
Am gonna answer it again for you.
A perfect day should have a fresh morning, smooth working hours, then a relaxing snack time, a little shopping while returning home, then work out at least for 30 minutes, a warm shower in winter and a cool one in summer, then lying on the couch for sometime, TV, Internet etc, then a proper dinner, then catching up with friends, chit chat, then return home and sleep till a new day starts...Above all Prayers time to time...
Liked by: Reham

if u send me any thing i can't see it b-cuz the ask.fm kee telling me when i click my Qs (Oops! Something went wrong. (but we still love you) Return to previous page)........loool

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
I too had a problem with ask that day...sorry for the late response..I was out of town...
Liked by: reem

you refer to yourself as Juluis Ceasar? megalomania much?

Actually none...but I love Caesar and also being Megalomania. What do you refer yourself as? I don't see any name or info on the question...Don't you have a name?
Liked by: Ghadah_h

btw put a pic any pic it doesn't have 2 be urs i just hate it when i see the Q mark on the pic...u like Epic movies so put one of the actress if u want...XP

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
hahahaha...sure honey...okay you will see my favourite actress's pic on my display

ahaa.....k....there is another Q....what's the thing that you can't imagine yourself doing ?.......its time 4 u 2 ask me some Qs ;P

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !

What was your drunkest moment ? it's not like you had a drink, just a moment you aren't that proud of :p (like sleeping at school, falling at stairs, laughing for no reason...etc)

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
sleeping till its almost time to Fatoor
Liked by: Latifa


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