
♔ His Excellency ♔

Ask @xlnc

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sorry but you are wrong i asked you why man are jerks even we are treat them good ? and that's really

I'm not wrong. Your question was not correct. But now, if this is your question then yes, those men though treated well, mistreat women are JERKS and scoundrels.
Liked by: AMG♡ . .

And most women are considered to be bitches?! Seriously?! What a load of crap.

That's how it is if men are jerks...Seriously!

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They don't have to BE jerks, because they were, are and always will be jerks. =\ And you didn't disagree with her either, because you already know that most men are jerks. Oh & that's NOT the right question. The right question is, why should women respect men when they don't respect them?!

I do agree, that most of the men BEHAVE LIKE JERKS. Now, women really need to understand that they are made from a bent rib. Naturally, the quality or condition of being straight forward, humble and being decent can't be expected much unless they really strive to be. Hence, it is concluded that most of the women are ____.
Liked by: AMG♡ . .

Because it's not true. Guys are jerks because they were born that way. Period. -.-

Nevertheless the period, women are considered to be bitches. Why should men respect women when they don't respect them? Did you read the question properly? She already came to a conclusion that men are jerks, by saying "why do most of men have to BE jerks?".
Liked by: sis-advice

if u could go wherever u want but u had no car no money and no friends where would u go/what would u do?

I'd go to bed and sleep :)

nice pro!! his excellency :P

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
My pleasure young lady. Bear no suspicion that you are verbalizing with a King. I here by order you to maintain the code of language.
Liked by: Nour

What were you doing 30 minutes ago and what are you doing now?

I was smoking 30 minutes ago and I'm eating London Dairy's Pralines & Cream. I'd probably be smoking after 5 minutes. Hope that it answers your question :@
Liked by: Sameera Mahjabeen.


Language: English