
LSM Mike

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goku ssj namek saga vs future gohan ssj manga

Potentially Gohan since they said he and Trunks were equal. I think Gohan might've been above Namek Goku at that point, but he did heavily imply he wasn't equal to Goku at least after he came back.

tien android saga vs kid gohan android saga

Probably Kid Gohan. The Tri-Beam would give Tien a big edge though.

gohan beginning of android saga vs base goku frieza saga

Probably Gohan, he did train with Piccolo and SSJ Goku for 3 years after all.

do you think kid trunks or gotten is using the regular SSJ or a cell-saga enhanced version, or one like it, and do you think that one of those forms where you boost your base form by adding muscle or gaining resistance to the SSJ could surpass SSJ2 was 18 holding back against mighty mask. thank you

I think they may be fully mastered/full power SSJs but we don't know for sure. SSJ2 is just above the other grades so no, I don't think so. And yeah I definitely think 18 was holding back.

What if Nail fought Vegeta before Ginyu force arrival?

He might be able to beat one of the members if they fought one on one, but I don't think it'd matter if they teamed up.
Liked by: ToxicDubz

What if Perfect cell was killed by future trunks ( even through it is unlikely to happen, I would just like to know what your thoughts are) P.S= your awesome bro!

Jmallory123’s Profile PhotoJake Mallory
Unless Trunks did the final flash as an Ultra SSJ then I don't see this being possible. And thanks!
Liked by: ToxicDubz

Deadpool vs king piccolo?

King Piccolo would possibly beat him down to where he wins, but we all know Deadpool has immortality and ridiculous regeneration so Idk.
Liked by: ToxicDubz

Hi Mike! How far into the different universes do you think they'll go with DBS? Do you think they'll only go a little into each? Or will they have in depth arcs/sagas?

Lord Popo
No clue. The whole show is drawn out thus far, nothing says they can't spend a good amount of time in each. I'd like that more than what we're getting now.
Liked by: Lord Popo

Its not a crime to have the super saiyan god super saiyan blue instead of orange that makes colour mixing sense

Blue looks cooler.

Do you think a load of anthropomorphic animals like the president of the world in dragon ball do you think it could translate well to live action in costume or cgi

That's a hard question I've often wondered about. I assume it can be done with costumes and practical effects, but would it translate well to people watching the movies? Who knows.

Hey laughingstock, do u really believe ssj2 is only 2 times ssj, it doesn't make sense because that would mean Kioken is more effective than ssj2... Plus check out this video it explains how ssj really works and share ur opinion about it

Ibrahim Ibrahim
Kaioken is multiplying base, not SSJ, so you'd have to do Kaioken x100 to match SSJ2, and it'd destroy your body.


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