
LSM Mike

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Nice job on answering some of my questions, I love Youtubers that take their times to do even small things like this. Here's another question: What if Perfect Cell killed Hercule during the cell games when he originally slashes him away? How would this affect the Buu saga and Cell Saga?

HeadshotGolem’s Profile PhotoHeadshotGolem
No prob. As for this question it's likely that things actually would've turned out for the better, as if Satan didn't survive he never would've met Buu, befriended him, and had him turn good, which in turn wouldn't have caused Buu to spit out Evil Buu, which would create Super Buu and cause all of those problems. As a result Fat Buu would likely remain, and Gotenks after he mastered his training would show up and destroy him. Goku and Vegeta would possibly stay dead, but in the end the Earth wouldn't be destroyed, and the Z Fighters wouldn't die.

Can Goku breathe in space, because there is multiple times I've heard he can and cannot.

HeadshotGolem’s Profile PhotoHeadshotGolem
I don't think it's ever stated that he can't. In the English dub of the anime, Frieza says that he can't, but in the manga and perhaps Japanese dub all Frieza says is that he doubts Goku can "survive long in space", which could mean due to radiation, effects of the vacuum of space, starvation, etc. And we do see Goku go to the moon in Dragon Ball as well as fight and even talk to Beerus in space in Battle of Gods, so if he didn't in the past I definitely think he can now.

What if Vegeta went to space instead of Goku in GT ?

That's pretty much impossible to tell, but it seems like Vegeta might have stopped training by GT and was certainly weaker than Goku, so it likely wouldn't work out as well for all of them.

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What if Freeza (For one reason or another) never went or decided to go to Namek?

HeadshotGolem’s Profile PhotoHeadshotGolem
Then it's likely that Goku's friends would've arrived, met with the Namekians, convinced them to use their Dragon Balls, and wished back the others. It's unsure of when exactly Vegeta would arrive on Namek, but even if he did come and cause problems it's likely that Goku would arrive just as he did in the past and finish him off. The only issue that could result from this is that all of the Z Fighters would be much weaker than if Frieza and his minions had been there, thus having no chance against the Androids when they would come in the future(with the possible exception of Piccolo fusing with Kami, which didn't happen in the original timeline). And obviously, this would mean everyone would be doomed.
Liked by: Damian Haus

Was Goku's arrival to Earth an actual detriment to the series?

HeadshotGolem’s Profile PhotoHeadshotGolem
It depends on what we count as a detriment. If we mean that numerous citizens were killed on multiple occasions and the world itself was destroyed, then absolutely. But if we mean long term, then I would say no from what we've seen. After all, if Goku hadn't come then Pilaf would've eventually found all of the Dragon Balls and used his wish to enslave the Earth, likely leading to a much darker and hopeless future for the Earth. And of course this is all assuming Frieza, the Saiyans, or other threats don't eventually find their way to Earth anyway, which is a high possibility. So overall, I'd say no, it wasn't, especially since almost everything he directly or indirectly caused was fixed with the Dragon Balls.

Language: English