

Ask @suicidesundae

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Skirts or dresses?

Dresses because I am not an expert coordinator.
Don't believe the book that tells you two is better than one

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Can you speak like a normal person? Like you know, use English. i <3 siumai. I want your hargow too. lemme lather some lachiujiong on you before i devour you. I like juicy fats. they complete me.

HAHHAHAHA YOU SON OF A DIMSUM DOLLY oh my god I am doubling over in stitches

your sense of humor be good dear friend

your caustic acrimony drips with venomous contempt for humour I have none to boot

What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

Anticipation: for better tomorrows, empathy: to siphon the joys of passers by, gratitude: to know it is enough.
Liked by: Sebastian Lee

What's your choice of music?

choice? choice? did I really choose to listen to this? Maybe.
Nu disco!!! Dreampop, indie, 8-bit, French house, ambient, trip hop, shoe gaze. Nothing much has really changed over the years.

I want you. I love eating siumai. can i have some hargow with that and lachiujiong?

You're a greedy person. I'd say my size served will quell the most insatiable of hunger. And that is not enough for you?
Siumai is yellow and full of fatty mince meat. Homophone for siuli. Why won't you choose a more exquisite item off the menu?

What do you like watching the most on television?

myself. when it's turned off and glossed blank. duh of course what else could possibly be better to watch?

How much money do you really need?

enough to buy useless material possessions that validate my existence has a hollow little consumer so that i can feel superior to my fellow man. and then some more to inflate property and car markets. i must participate in this conspiracy. that's the way to live, sitting fat in debts i will never clear. pretty future.

Language: English