
Samantha Renee ❤

Ask @samantharenee13

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That guy 19 and you're 14 right is that sorta rape yes I think so

first of all. idgaf about your opinion.
second. what I do , doesn't concern you.
third. he's not 19. soo. fuck you.

which would u take back ?

none of the.
I'm a proud USMC girlfriend. I don't need any of them. My boyfriend helps protect this god damn country.

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stop dating college guys ur 14 ur wasting ur life

1. I don't date college guys.
2. you're opinion on my life and what I do , is mother fucking irrelevant.
3. Come off anon you cock-juggling thundercunt.

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

I don't understand this question . lol #blondeproblems


Language: English