
Samantha Renee ❤

Ask @samantharenee13

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Have you ever done anything lesbo?

I don't understand your question . but I've never done anything with another girl .

Your picking a boy over one of your friends , would you like it if someone did that to you? ????????

you don't know anything . so you can stop .

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Fuck u fake person saying that shit↓ danm stfu sami not a slut she never had sex like no bitch!

it's true , I have never had sex . nor do I want to

Why would you do something so low like that to Devyn? You know that's her ex so why would u go out with him? That's so fucked up .

She told me she liked Joey . therefore I thought she was over him ,

OMG U AND OMAR WERE SOOOI CUTE! him and steph are just ewh like no he was meant to be with u js lol

uh bye ?

So then why do u still have a picture of him and u on instagram he has a gf js

because you cant delete pictures off instagram from your computer . just hop off and stop beimg such a pussy and say this shit un-anymously .


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