
Samantha Renee ❤

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who's your best friend?

mary . she's legit my best friend & I love her to death .
Andrea . I couldn't live without her & her craziness .
Samantha . she's one of my closest friends . and id die without her & her weirdness .

Have u been to third base? I have

That's good for you ? I don't really give a Fuck about your personal life .

Wow. You let go of a guy who would protect you, deffend you, fight for you, love you, and care for you? Damn. Theres not many like him. Good job. That wasnt smart.

go away . you don't understand shit .

So how bad is Shawn hurt? Lol

Idont know? I feel bad that I hurt him . But I just don't have time for a boyfriend right now .

Have u ever made out with someone? I have and it really doesn't matter if people make out at this age.

Yes & Why does it concern you what I do ?

Yall need to stop being so fake. I see nothin but rude posts. But no names. Put ur names in. Yeh we broke up. But i still care. And. See. Im not a bitch. Still lookin after u.

I know your not a bitch or fag. I just need people to leave me alone
Liked by: Samantha Staats


Language: English