
Samantha Renee ❤

Ask @samantharenee13

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If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

the little mermaid. or the notebook.

What things do you love?

pizza , Mac & Cheese , my babes , Luke Bryan , Florida Georgia Line , The Lacs , Mud Digger & One direction. Kay I'm done.

Why would u say sucking dick is gross. Bitch you told my friend you sucked dick at a carnival for money to buy weed because you had a rough breakup


Are u and nick topple dating... Cause I saw his post and he tagged u

what the fuck was his post?! I know he tagged me in something but he delete it before I could see

He's fake... U do realize that... The nick_top121 he "went out" with me like along him ago and things just don't add up with him .

I'm not dating him? I like someone who is real.

I herd you told cole you would suck his dick if he asked you out. Even though when he told gabby he was going to ask you out it was a joke haha sucks to be you doesn't it

for starters, I don't suck dick so why would I tell cole I would suck his if he asked me out? secondly, you can screw off bc your equally as annoying as everybody else on it's damn website. so go take a freaking shovel and shove it up yor ass


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