

Ask @ohbaeks

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then if it's hyperbeat vs iridescent boy vs sehuna? which will you choose?

probably still iridescent~

what's your top 5 favorite baekhyun fansites?

babylion, foxbaek, bspectra, see the light and honeyb
can't really choose OTL

in your case, would you pick someone who has a lot of dating experiences but pretend he does not have or vice versa?

i'd pick someone who doesn't have a lot of dating experience but pretends that he does bc idk i find it cute that he's trying so hard and putting in so much effort for the relationship and i feel like "wow there's actually someone willing to go through so much trouble just to be with me" i'd be touched ^^

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If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

i've always been fond of green but idk hahahaha probably some bright colour i think

i am still bored. and how dare you and lana both leave me to fend for myself in the fires of boredom you girls are evil how dare you leave prince monggu you evil beings. ok i love you now good night and sleep well. (or good morning and hello. please morning call me at eight if you see this lol) xoxo

boredom equates to nothing happening HOW CAN THERE BE FIRES please /blasts evil for you/ AHAHHA you bipolar weirdo i love you too and morning called!

Can you analyse SehunA Fansite Photos?? idk if I should just wait for their pb or go with Iridescent ;__;

tbh i would choose iridescent over sehuna bc iridescent has a good mix of both qtpie sehun and charismatic sehun. sehuna has nice angles of sehun but it's mostly him briefly smiling and i like iridescent better bc she captures moments of sehun laughing a lot. but if you're not looking for that kind of pictures then maybe sehuna's better. all i know is that she's currently ~resting~ and the site can't be viewed even tho she's updating twitter with previews so you might need to wait for sometime for her pb c:

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

that i'm nice ahahhahaha no i'm not trying to be an idiot here TuT

Would you pick brains or beauty?

brains bc well technically speaking you're like an empty coconut if you have the look but nothing inside weird analogy but it works c:

child. there is no such thing as STILL coffee. unlike how your baekhyun is STILL bacon.

but you guys always tease me anyway with that so B| hmph

What's your wildest fantasy?

i have a lot of wild fantasies and being able to talk to baekhyun is one of the not so wild ones i have

I'm lazy to make my own green tea latte now. i am just drinking latte from mcdonalds. and it tastes horrid.

what's the difference it's still coffee omg ;~;

there is no green tea latte in my house. do you think that i live in starbucks or something.

MAYBE ok maybe not but i thought you wanted to get the small satchets to drink everyday hahaha

i didn't know you hated me that much that you want my ship to sink with me in it

wait why are you in there -u-

my ship be a submarine. it always lives on.

well i torpedoed your submarine it has a huge hole in the middle c:

what color is baekhyun's hair now?

not the maroonish/purple anymore it's more like a reddish copper brown?

shush peasant. what prince monggu wants to ship, monggu ships. just let it happen.

yeah and then your ship sinks u____u

i'm so excited for ultraviolet's opening! wonder when it will open?

I'M EXCITED TOO!! HAHAHAH it'll be opening real real reaaaaal soon! c:

What’s your favorite public or state holiday of the year?

i like lunar new year and christmas <:


Language: English