

Ask @ohbaeks

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yup i'll defo be going for that /^^/ yaaa i can't wait either, besides working i've mostly been bumming around so it's definitely something to look forward too heh

i was starting to get tired of doing the same thing everyday at work ahhahahaha can't wait to actually start learning new things tho ;u;

yeah i ruled those 2 out even though they're closer bc i'm more of an artsy person u__u yeah i decided not to go for arts camp bc it's during fasting month and if the camp fee includes payments for food i see it as a bit of a waste yknow :/// if not for that i'd totally go

hahahahaha me too me too~ ah i seeeeeeeee! there's still another orientation week in august tho! ^___^b can't wait to experience it all

SG IS TOO SMALL ahahah i don't know a lot of other fass people who picked sheares tbh a lot of my fass friends chose eusoff/temasek? i couldn't make it for the open house today ;;

me = idk any fass people besides the intern at my office ahhahahahaha! truth is those two are closer to fass but i think they're more sports based?? u____u aw then you're not going for arts camp?

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i'm cool with both performing and bts tbh so if we can choose i'd be at a loss D: FASS!

HOLY HECK WE'RE IN THE SAME FAC ahhahahahaaha it'd be cool if we actually saw each other! did you go for the open house today?

ahh yep i wanna do rag it seems like a super tiring but a rly rewarding & fun experience?? (ikr they look really nice like from what i've seen from pics/vids huehu)

yes~~~ i'm not sure if they let us choose but do you wanna be a performer or behind the scenes! ahahhahaha i like the culture of sheares hall a lot tbh :') which fac are you in?

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

which ever app that i have notifications from! usually twitter tho! i don't receive notifs from line and kakao sometimes so i always miss messages... );

hopefully >< i only signed up for sheares bc it was my first choice hall & yep bc the other camps clash :/

it's my first choice hall too! but don't worry a senior of mine told me that if you really want to be accepted for sheares hall, join sheares rag this year! :-) don't worry so much! hopefully i'll see you there since i'm probably gonna join rag! (the single rooms are so attractive OTL)

i filled in the survey-application form thingy like on the 8th ))):

i filled in that quite a long time ago i think like 2 weeks! i think they go by first come first serve but there'll definitely be people who will give up the place bc other camps clash with it too!

hello!! i noticed that you're going for sheares camp! how long did they take to get back to you? i still haven't received my acceptance email for the camp so i'm getting worried they rejected me OTL

they sent me a reply within 10 mins of me replying! and i sent it at like 10pm last night ahahhah! when did you send it?

How did being a kpop fan change your life?

it sort of turned into a motivation for me to work harder bc i have this mentality like before i truly enjoy doing what i like, i have to first make sure that i have a reason to enjoy myself. so in order to reward myself with concerts and merch i studied harder lmfao sounds completely farce but it worked for me.
and also after experiencing so many things in the fandom i can safely say that i have grown to become more sarcastic and less naive no thanks to those who constantly create shit.
but i also made a lot of close friends through this platform who have added sparkles and rainbows to my dull and boring life and i'm honestly really appreciative of the existence of kpop in my life.
Liked by: L

Hi! I want to ask for your opinion on baekhyun's fansite photobook. I want to buy one but dont know which to choose 😭😭

which are you choosing between? <:

What do u think of baek's acting skills?

he hasn't had much opportunity to show his acting tbh his character in end is far too similar to his irl personality... which is why i'm uber excited for his acting debut, hopefully we'll get to see more changes in expressions, aura, mannerisms as he takes on a different character!

Why do you like baekhyun?

a lot of reasons i can't really explain myself. i like his personality, his weird habits, his ability to lift up the mood, his crinkly eyes when he smiles, his expressions etc so many other things i do think it's that particularly strong sense of admiration towards him from the start that led me to the path of stanning him
Liked by: 로즈_04.12♡

do u know whats happening between overflow and dontflirtjinwoo ??

it looks like overflow tweeted to the latter about plagiarism of their baekhyun doll, it looks very similar tbvh
Liked by: 로즈_04.12♡

hi i love your blog! i was wondering how you get that music player on the side? ^^

i customized the code and adjusted the height of the music player such that it fits at the side! ^____^

cheryl sorry for asking this but how do u say "can u speak in english?" in korean



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