

Ask @devastorjabs

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Do you have someone you tell everything to?

Not really. There’s a bit I keep inside so I don’t end up in a mental institution.

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What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

This question was asked to Cailin Heinze, VMD, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor of nutrition at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and the answer was, “For cats, it’s really inappropriate. It goes against their physiology and isn’t something I would recommend at all.'', "For dogs, certainly vegetarian and vegan diets can be done, but they need to be done very, very carefully. There is a lot of room for error, and these diets probably are not as appropriate as diets that contain at least some animal protein." As long as your not affecting the life of your pet in a negative way, it's okay. Consulting a veterinary nutritionist would be the wise thing to do.

do u autumn mood? :)

I do not understand this question. Tried googling it and all I got was an album called Autumn Mood by McCoy Tyner.

in your opinion, what should a man be like?

How he wants. In my view of things I only care about how I conduct myself. People should be free to express and conduct themselves the way they want. I don't think there's right or wrongs on, "what a men should be like" but I do know there are things I would and would not do myself based on my thoughts of how I want to be.

What to do when a tiger attacks your mother-in-law?

If there's a tiger and my mother-in-law in the same place at the same moment I think the situation is out of my control already.

Is reputation important for a person nowadays?

Don't know. Tell Ana Cacho to open a daycare and check it out on your own.

What will warm u this fall? :)

The fucking sun. Ain't no power in the whole island. There's no fan or air conditioning and because of the lack of trees, the air is way drier. I will suffocate and die this fall. I hope that answers your question.

if someone ur usually mean to told u they were in love with u which is why the bugged you, how would u feel and what would u say

How I'd feel depends on who was the person, regardless I don't think I'd give it too much thought. I would recommend Ryan Jaunzemis to improve on approaching tactics for the future.

What is a footnote?

What you do when you have foot fetish but also have to remember stuff and don't have a fridge to put post-its. I know, a long stretch but I remain incapable to give a shit. Take my answer or leave it.


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