

Ask @devastorjabs

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How often do you draw? What do you like to draw?

About once or twice a week. Usually original characters or semi abstract works.

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If you had a daughter, would you consider sending her to the TV show "Toddlers and Tiaras"?

I don’t know what that is.

Someone help... how do i start a conversation with a guy that I haven’t talked to in years?!

With a “Hi” or “Hello”?

What is your opinion of love? Is it permissible for them to do what they want, or are there red lines that they shouldnt skip?

Who now?

Would you rather face Conor McGregor in the octagon or listen to somebody scratching a plate with a fork for 2 hours straight?

How much am I getting paid for which?

If you are brave enough post a photo of yourself of how you look as soon as you wake up. Can be a simple selfie or a full selfie, your choice. How brave are you?

You think in the morning (in a few hours) after a midnight shift I will remember this shit “question” and take a picture with saliva dried all over my beard & greasy ass face to show someone in the internet I’m “brave”?“Brave”, may not be what you mean. “stupid” seems more fitting.

Desperdicie mis mejor tiempo construyendo un sueño un amor donde solo había un cuento... Y ya sin ilusión y energía mi corazón vagabundo va solo sobreviviendo se protege escapando en sueño del q no quiere despertar pero no elige gobierna la realidad de esta vida rutina obligatoria.. Y el aun con ala

No sé en verdad que carajo decirte, mano. Escribes bien algarein.

Do you have any advice for people starting out on youtube?

Build up first an audience somewhere else. Youtube is no longer for starters. FB and instagram work better. Youtube has turned their back on content creators and growing channels.

Would you consider going vegan? Why or why not?

GirlieGangsta’s Profile PhotoRabbit
Yes, but not know cus of money and meat being fucking awesome. I like pork, chicken, cow, rabbit, octopus, would try alligator, iguanas I would eat a snake on a grill well cooked and season I would eat the flesh of my enemies. Not everything I consider is going to be a reality.

My online friend has been flakey with me for years now, but she's never gone this long without talking to me... It's always been obvious I like her more than she likes me :( Do you think I should take the hint and leave her alone? Or reach out to her to try to figure out what's going on between us?

Online friends don’t matter. real friends, if causing trouble either. Do you. Go your own way. Your people will be around, those who aren’t your people will vanish, and those who are your people but live other life settings, experiences maybe, they get caught up too on their own lifes doing them and can’t keep track of absolutely everyone. We’re humans, it’s normal and natural. We shed friends as skin. rather than tragic, I view this as a tv show which ending is secret and change it’s rooster and setting every once in a while. Enjoy the ride.

i really wanna know more about your personality/ What are your secrets?

I don’t talk secrets. That’s something you now know about me.


Language: English