

Ask @devastorjabs

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Are you a person with cold hands and warm heart or person with warm hands and cold heart ? 😁

I have a warm heart but I don’t flinch if I got to fuck somebody else’s day or kneecaps.

Have you ever attempted a do-not-try-this-at-home stunt or experiment you saw performed by professionals?

I’ve attempted things neither other people or professionals should try.

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

I’m a human being with a broad ratio of emotions but I do manage to keep my teeth showing during the day, so yes.
Liked by: KAHLÚA

According to you, why do people love? Or fall in love?

Chemical ilusions for the means of reproduction. Evolutive mechanism to keep us from saying “fuck it” and letting the species die because we feel everyone is full of shit.
Liked by: KAHLÚA

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Write a letter and go. Nobody has to find me. 🌞

What's one thing that makes you happy? Name only one!

There’s not only one thing that makes me happy, if only one think made me happy I’d hang myself. Thankfully, that’s not the case and just maybe that’s the thing that makes me the happiest. I can find my happiness anywhere.

Why am i such a loner?, why can’t i make friends???, i hate myself!

Work a bit on presentation, maybe? Why of all things this is the information you wish to give to poeple? Lie, let them think you’re fine and live as if it where holding your sanity by a fucking thread like everyone else.

Thoughts on those who have crush on you??

Can’t judge them. I would have a crush on me if I were them too.


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