

Ask @devastorjabs

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Where can i find the key to your heart ?

¿Si le tengo que enseñar a una persona a que me sea agradable, de verdad es agradable?

¿Eres un persona humanitaria o más de ciencias exactas?

No creo que sean dos extremos de una cosa, pero “ciencias exactas” suena más rico.

Do you ever feel close to anyone on here, even though you don't know them in a real life?

I am close to no one.

How do you define Love?

Volatile and dangerous but fun and beautiful. Like drugs, it should be done with caution and once the dependency takes a toll on your health, it should be adressed as a problem stopped.

What is “home” to you?

My house is just walls and the people next to me can die and I’ll find more. So, the world itself.

What do you think of cheaters (in romantic relationships)?

I believe that's a game over. There are no romantic relationships after cheating.


Language: English