

Ask @conversehigh

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2016 was a wild ride for bangtan & theres still 2 months left :/

ikr T__T there was both a lot of good and bad, but at least they made it through ;;

Have you ever visited Taiwan? I need ro do research on how to move there because it sounds like a place with people that except and adjust to change in tne right way. https://twitter.com/baepsatan/status/797093192151597056

yes, I went for 5 days for a bangtan concert lol it seems like a really nice country! I love the food there and their entertainment (I love their dramas + actors like jasper liu, aaron yan, annie chen, etc.) 💞 I'm glad to see that they're also so progressive compared to other asian countries ;;

do u think there'll be live streamers for muster later?

prob? idk it depends on fans lol bc bighit is also rly good about finding audio streamers and kicking em out lol

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hi angie are we allowed to send news articles to bighit as well? 10mins ago another news article posted about the hair thing about v and at the end he said v had another controversy with ladies code. Its the first article you see when you search bangtan on naver UGH

I'm not sure tbh, but I think they can prob try to get those kinds of articles taken down! it wouldn't hurt to try~

Honestly, it's the 21st century like why can't people just accept people who are different? Why do we have to fit in and be like everyone else? Why do people hurt those that are different? Why do they hurt people ghey don't understand? Instead of hurting why not try to accept and understand? 😖

bc ppl feel threatened by those that are different from themselves lmao white people are scared of losing the power they have in this country

Hey Angie, u heard about the dude thats gonna reveal which celebs that have connections with Ch*i S Shil lady? What will happen to the celebs after getting exposed? & What does it mean by having connections w her? Did she help them rise to fame or sth? Or did the celebs do nasty things for her?

they will prob be disliked/hated by the korean public bc she prob helped them with her political power (she was controlling the president, sooo lol)
ie. yg somehow getting a permit to get some cultural building made without going through the formal process iirc, while sm also got a cultural building made, but did the whole entire process to get the permit/approval
apparently yang hyun suk has connections with her, and I wouldn't doubt it as so many of their artists get away with stuff ~*~regular citizens~*~ can

Did you have the food at sum cafe(??) yknow the sm cafe hahah im not sure if i got the name right,if you did was it good?and also the snacks you bought are they good too?

yes, I did! the popcorn was good, but the chips were kinda weird??? but I still ate it all lmao (I only tried the f(x) chips and the super junior popcorn; suju popcorn was kinda generic kettle corn?)
the cupcake was kinda gross tbh like it wasn't Totally bad, but the f(x) flavor was weird lmao the ade was pretty ok tho! it tasted like less fake grape (my friend said the cupcake is actually vanilla + blueberry, BUT IT RLY TASTES LIKE STRAIGHT UP FAKE GRAPE FLAVOR ???)
UHHH I DON'T THINK I TRIED ANYTHING ELSE FROM THE SUM CAFE? but yeah I p much got f(x) everything

Is it mandatory to work on Black Friday at target? Or can you ask that day off if you have plans for that day?

lol it's not mandatory but they black out any day with holidays aka you can't ask for those days off (also, it's too late + I'm a newer employee and still on probation, anyways)

How much do you get per month for working part time? is it normal for college/university students to work part time in America?in my country we have classes nearly every single day except for the weekends and it's impossible to have a few days free even though we can arrange our own schedules :(

ummm I guess like ~$740? my last paycheck for 2 week's of work was $370. it's pretty normal for students to get part-time jobs here! I'm a full time student bc I have 12 units worth of classes, but most of my classes are online so I have a pretty open availability

http://ask.fm/conversehigh/answers/140033419331 Ah I see!! So he is still graduating for this academic year? Bless him, stidying seems to /really/ not be his thing... Oh um. For those online college courses the other boys do, do they also need to have taken the entrance exams as a requirement? :o

I have no idea how their cyber college works tbh? but yeah he is prob gonna graduate on time bc not many korean students get held back lol

Hi I was wondering for v before he came to bighit was he like Jin and wanted to do acting or his dream was singing and acting? just curious haha

his dream was to be a singer, which is why his dad said for him to learn an instrument and he ended up learning to play the sax

I was thinking it's so odd that JK is not taking his college entrance exams(?) this year! I mean he/BH have their own reasons but they're not that busy this end of year… I guess a comeback 1mth before makes things harder. 😕 Does he have to keep retaking final year of high school like this? /clueless

well, he might not even be going to college tbh? most korean high school students don't get held back, esp since jk goes to sopa which caters to idols lol

https://twitter.com/moisturizeds/status/796798660361252868 How to know if this is legit?some in my country keep saying that mcdonalds and starbucks donated to israel but so far i have never seen a source too,same with this one

some of these companies are def dem/repub biased, but I guess you never know! the list seems pretty accurate to me though, as an american and with knowledge of some of these companies

lmaooo that huge v fansign mess pann post deleted after bighit said they were going to take legal action

people prob got their screenshots already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

wow that means your skin is soooo nice😭❤️

it's whatever? I have enlarged pores and uneven skintone, but I don't have time to do my makeup every single day, and I don't suffer from cystic acne or anything

thanks for the super quick answer! has this rly worked in the past? like have other companies (eg SM) successfully found and sued antis hiding behind egg accounts and anonymous accounts? cuz i havnt rly heard about it & im not sure if antis actually feel threatend right now

idrk tbh but nothing on social media is like 100% untraceable? but if they deleted the account, then that would make it a lot more difficult I guess
anyways, some antis don't even use throwaway accounts like the exo fan that posted the taehyung screenshot lol

i hope that lady who called tae a psych*p*th gets her ass wooped

depends on if that person's posts damaged his image and if they were trying to prove it (like w fake screencaps and info)
like just calling him that would prob not qualify as being a malicious rumor or piece of gossip

hi angie. do u have any idea how the suing works? im curious cuz some are just egg accounts and throwaway ids on pann,instiz,etc. how do they plan to track the ppl behind it? IP addresses?

yeah the fancafe post says you can include ip addresses in your submission of evidence

are u gonna send BH anything? fansites are on this right?

I got nothing serious to send lol bighit is basically accepting stuff like that hair pulling one that ruins their image and is false and stuff like egg twitters that dedicate themselves to posting malicious rumors/gossip about bangtan
if someone tweets "bangtan sucks I fucking hate them", that's not something that will ruin their image, nor is it even a rumor/gossip
vakery is a fan community
I saw luv struck (one of the 2 tae fansites I follow) rt their tweets about compiling evidence to sue, so I guess kind of???

May i ask was vakery doing? :o

they compiled evidence of antis posting malicious rumors/gossip about taehyung (they started doing this when an anti spread a rumor that taehyung pulled a fan's hair at a fansign)

finally taehyung is back to black hair!! I feel like he didn't like the blonde either LOL

yeah I think so too lmao

hey ang! u know how idols always change their hair colour right. do they choose the colour themselves or the company decides it for them?

I think for bangtan, they do what the company wants for the most part. they /Might/ have had their hair dyed how they wanted a few times, but for when yoongi was blonde, he def didn't have a say bc he didn't like bleaching his hair so much and even said his hair was gonna fall out and it'd be bighit's fault (or smth like that lol)
most idols in general follow the image the companies want, but for popular groups like snsd, I'm p sure they can do whatever they want (idk about actual promotions, but during the times they're not promoting a new album I think they can)
I say this bc I remember taeyeon from snsd dyed her own hair and she messed up and had to have her hairdresser fix it for her lmao I think she dip dyed her hair blue or something
obviously these groups are big enough where their company has less control over them bc they're making the big bucks while also only promoting new albums like once a year or once every other year lmao

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I thought weed is already legal in cali?bc so many people are smoking pot even before this,or was that a different type of legal?sorry im not american and im curious

it was illegal. it's just easy to find.


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