

Ask @conversehigh

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have you ordered from kpoptown and kpopmart before? not sure which site is better to pre order ;;

I've bought from both, and they're basically the same, in my experience lol I think kpoptown's prices are a little bit lower, but I think kpopmart tries to match kpoptown's prices after some time?

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Angie , I saw ur tweets about fansign. Does the details for it has out ? ? ?

some info was posted for the first fansign on the fancafe

Do u know how many followers bangtan has on MelOn before HYYH happened? Theyre almost 92k now...

I don't ;; I'm sure there's a larger gap tho lol

I'm actually reaaaallllyyyy kinda scared about the outcome of the comeback. Like i still really want bts to grab like one win? But this time the motivation of the fandom is not the same w/ HYYH pt.1, that time we are DESPERATE to give them their 1st win. But now.. I trust bts music, i'm just nervous

yeah I kinda have that feeling also? I'm not exactly sure why tho... but I guess I'll just do my best to stream, vote, BUY votes (*cough*THE SHOW*cough*), etc. to support them, but idk I don't see as much hype surrounding this comeback rn
I mean, in the end I think most of their fans care about their music, and I think the quality of the music matters most bc that's what they're most passionate about since they've all been working hard to make good music for us! ^^
Liked by: andrea.

Tsktsk most of fansites really close cos of bighits shits

yeah I think some of them actually do lmao I'm sure some stay lowkey fans of em, but they just can't deal with directly interacting with bighit (bc you kinda have to if you're a fansite lmao)

seems like a lot of fansites aren't liking the exhibition

yeah I saw some angry tweets lol it seems like a ploy to make money tbqh? I thought it was gonna be a free kind of thing like f(x)'s, buuuuuuuuut ig not lmao

I think they didn't do prestreaming last comeback cos they kind of pre released 2 songs in bts begins already? Like i would be disappointed if they made me excited announcing a prestreaming but its just those 2 songs again too lol But really i miss BHYYH (Before HYYH) promotional style :(

hmm I guess that's true! I kinda thought it might've been bc they didn't have a showcase for hyyh, but they did for sla and d&w... yeah idk they're doing the same teaser method as most groups do now w releasing a Thing at midnight u__u

howtostudykorean.com is a great site to study the language, also there's some site to learn grammar from kpop lyrics, its good!

oh thank you! I'll look into it later~

If bighit never brings back the countdown timer for the next comebacks i'll be really mad. Like its been a tradition u know. And its less stressfull those days, they're wrong if they think fans feels more excitement w/ staying up for midnights for days and gets nothing

yeah I miss how they did their comeback stuff :( I feel like now that they're a bigger group, bighit doesn't want them to do pre-streaming tracks anymore, which annoyed me last comeback lmfao
Liked by: Margo Zii

How much korean do u know? where do u study the language?

I only know how to read, write, and understand REALLY basic stuff lol I don't really have a source I study from? I mainly use google translate and naver dictionary for words idk, and I have a knack for picking up context clues ig? I used to watch some korean variety shows which helped me to understand random words lol
reading korean tweets also helped me a lot! I learned a lot since stanning bangtan, as weird as that sounds lol
I still have yet to learn proper korean grammar, and my predictive keyboard on my phone helps me tons with spelling and correct tenses for words ㅠㅠ

Lol @ that anon, i agree with u that bighit is more caring about bangtan , the only sinilarity they have is the numerous international concerts& comebacks

ia with the touring part, but in 2012, b.a.p literally had like back-to-back comebacks with warrior, secret love, power, no mercy, crash, and stop it ;; so I'm still really iffy about comparing bighit to ts in that aspect... I used to like b.a.p a lot back then haha

Lol bighit is a TS ENT copying SM & YG. But what can we do HAHAHAH at least bh also has their own unique ways. Besides most small companies really seek/search for promotional styles from succesfull companies to move forward. LOL way to go

I wouldn't ever compare bighit to ts tbh... they treat bangtan WAY better than ts ever did towards b.a.p
tbh no idea is truly original lol there's gonna be influence coming from somewhere! as long as it isn't blatant plagiarism and copying, I guess I don't rly care lol I just think it's funny(?)
there's a chapter in one of my ap lit books that says that there is really only one story haha aka one idea and then other things get influenced by it!

What if bighit postponed the comeback for this exhibit LOL. that would be much annoying

nah the boys are prob not appearing at the exhibit unless it's smth special like the opening and closing of it (for instance, none of the f(x) members came to their exhibit until krystal showed up on the last day!)

Lol i would be kinda salty too if someone suddenly does what bangtan always do with their Animated comeback trailers for intros every comeback ((even tho i have no idea if bangtan started it or just made it a trend lol)). Tho this exhibit thing is really a thing with sm & yg artists

yeah a friend of mine on their p/a (who is a fan of bangtan, don't get them wrong lol) talked about how bighit is copying yg and sm LMFAO
and tbh I haven't seen many groups do comeback trailers like bangtan? @-@

Lol i mean the girl who tweeted that tweet

oh ok lol I think they're just joke insulting(?) em lmao they prob don't give a shit about bangtan to be correct tbqh with you

do you know if kat and miri's preorders comes with the posters or not??

I asked kat about it, and they will try to do this, but they will be folding the posters!

is exhibition like what f(x) did for 4walls?

I think it's an exhibition you can actually go into? bc the f(x) one was a room w glass windows that people could see all the photos and vids being projected onto the walls


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