

Ask @conversehigh

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if it was image damaging i don't think he would mention it in the first place you think?

maybe! but I mean, it might be assumed that they'll never talk about what happened also

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I don't think its jimin. i think he just gets extra cute and shy when he's drunk. probably a bit touchy with the members too. his cheeks EXTRA flushed . giggling . . ;;;; he's so cute ;;;;;;;;; rippppp D:< and taehyung is just loud . extra loud and makes sure you KNOW he's drunk lol

I can imagine that from both of em! but I guess we'll never know for sure haha

we will never know what they did and its killing me lmfao. it doesnt help that my imagination is wild and im just thinking of so many scenarios. LOL i wish i didnt read that xDDD

haha yeah now I'm super curious ><

it's tae it's gonna be lmao Im dying what happened that they all decided to cut back lmaooo

if the mistake isn't image-damaging, I hope they can talk about it in the future lmao

do u remember what the members said about the drinking tolerance? i know sometimes fans ask them in fansigns but i cant remember.. i think taehyung was always #7 right?

that sounds right, but I'm not sure tbh !!!

i mean its probably something big for them wanting to cut it off after the incident ? if its not a big deal and its just some silly drunk mistake then . i dont think they would try to stop drinking. it happens.

ya I feel like whatever they did must've been pretty bad and not smth like accidentally kissing someone lmao

i think its taehyung. because i watched a hand reading about taehyung and it said that he should be rlly careful with drinking/drugs. of course i mean its not 100% trustable but . i mean theres a chance its him. could be hoseok too. or jimin?

I feel like it isn't jihope tbh they both seem like they'd be happy drunks that are calm and kinda sleepy ? idk how to describe, but not energetic and all over the place like I feel like tae would be

can bangtan do what beast and exid did singing while drinking

lmao I wish, but only half of em seem like the type to do impromptu lives 😂

I know he drinks with the hwarang members too and I remember do jihan said tae got the most up or excited when he was drunk omg


LMAO I just read the drinking part and taehyung popped in my head so fast


angie, when you traveled, do you know if liquids and makeup can be put in one clear bag together for carry on's?

yes, but I would pack all my non-liquid makeup separately to save space bc liquids should be in a 1 quart clear bag

What do you think about taehyung's tattoos?i mean not if it's fake or not,but in terms of the design

I think they're ok and qt !!! I've seen worse lmao

hello~ do you happen to know when we purchase convention tickets? it is separate right?

you buy the concert tickets and I think you register for the convention online?? smth like that

I'm brown and from my experience wearing henna a lot, it can stay dark for a while actually if it's not exposed to water constantly.. w your hands it obv fades faster. But for one, it's like black and mine gets super dark but it only gets to a brown color... so 👀👀👀

it looks more cool toned than warm toned, so I'm pretty confident those are legit 🤔

angie what is there during kcon conventions? would I need to bring extra money for food?

there's panels and stuff, but tbh I haven't been to a panel since like 2013 lol and yes if u don't want to leave the venue

would u buy a diamond ticket to kc*nla if bangtan went? if f(x) went? if bangtan and f(x) went? (not meaning to sound confrontational or anything I'm just wondering tbh!!)

no lol p1 is the farthest I'd go
maybe platinum if I'm splitting w someone

What is your current favourite subject in college so far?do you prefer subjects that involve memorising or calculating?

my anthro class is p good! I like my professor bc she's hilarious lmao I prefer memorizing


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