
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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babe does ur bb cream has a shade? If so, which shade is that? Also, what type of powder would u apply on top of ur bb cream? :) Do u think it is a must to apply powder? :)

nope, theres no shade!
either loose powder or foundation powder,
yes, bcos my bbcream doesn't go matt after applying, so it will slide around,
after putting powder on top, it actually helps the bbcream to stay longer and also gives a matt finish

Hi cherie, I have something that I'd like some advice on. I am dealing with a hypocrite at work who dislikes me but keeps acting nice to me. I really bth her and I wish that we can cease talking but our company is small and encourages friendships. What should I do? I'm so tired of acting..

just ignore her, stop talking to her, if she talks to you & ask you for help, just ask her to ask someone else.
you don't have to confront her, just don't talk to her alr.
talk to other friends/colleague in the company!

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How tall are you? Do you feel awkward when you wear high heels or platforms cause it makes you taller than literally everyone else even guys?

172 cm!
So i dont wear it often!

How much did jin yee and charmaine score for olevel? which school did they go to? jin yee so pretty *.*

ask them yourself!
thank you on her behalf! (:

Does the hada labo arbutin whitening lotion help to brighten up dark spots left by scars and will it help if I'm tan due to constant swimming? Does it make your skin a lot fairer? I'm afraid it'll be too fair :(

you will never be too fair with skin products!
hahhahaha so cute eh u!
it'll lighten the tone of the dark spots,
& make ur skin fairer and bright!
(never will it be too fair)

this is weird but i love your fashion sense!! you really make simple clothes look very high class haha

thank you so much!
i reallyreally appreciate it!

what type of backpack do u think goes well with home clothes for school ? ((:

my mini backpack from alcoholiday

Why didnt u go to art sch? need to hear your opinion abt it cos im still deciding between tp and art schs!

-cost : the school fees are crazy
-people : you get to make more friends, like instead of just having "art friends"
-i don't think i will pursue design as a career/future study.

Can I know where did jacqueenwu got her grey Snapback from in your bkk vlog? :)

it's Jordan's!
it's from Hurley.

hi!! I just found your blog and you're really pretty! how do you maintain your figure bc it's so goooood :)

i'm actually quite big at my lower part of my body & my arms.. i don't have a good figure.. :/
thank you noticing my blog!
thank you so much!

Do you shave your brows? If yes do they grow out very ugly and how long does it take to grow out completely

yes i do, but you're no suppose to!
try threading or plucking instead!
they will grow out in an random manner, so some parts won't grow, some parts grow.
i'm not sure how long


Language: English