
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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does your s2 keyboard lag once in a while? liek out of a fucking sudden

i use go keyboard
maybe sometimes? my phone very fucked up now ):

waaaalao why your father so bad is he mistreating you :(

noooo! hahahahha he just wants a new phone HAHA!!

so would you choose the s5 or the iphone5

ohmy, i actually dk too..
cos i really like iPhone's apps/camera etc.
but i'm so used to samsung's touch ):
but i personally think s5 is very ugly. :x
Liked by: Michael Warming

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hhahhaha yes, i know its old.. but meh, what to do my dad used my plan to get himself a phone..

hey cherie, do u feel like it is awkward to still see your ex bf? cos me and my ex bf hangs out in the same group of friends too but i have been avoiding going to any meetups due to him being there. how do u cope with that? i dont really wan my friends feeling like they have to be careful abt it..

maybe a little,
but i think i'm coping pretty well!
i treat him like how i treat my friends!
just tell yourself that you two are no longer tgt, why stop yourself from having fun with the grp of friends? (:
have fun tgt!
it might take awhile, but just keep trying, you'll get used to it sooner or later (:

I have rompers that are really colourful but I dont have shoes to go with them :( Do you have any idea what kind of shoes would suit almost all looks (skirts, dresses, rompers, shorts etc) I really need to stop being a fashion disaster bc shoes :((((

weaved sandals!
they are pretty 'popular' for quite sometime alr!
it can be paired with anything & everything!

Could you help me ask Aurelia where she got her leather jacket? Thanks!

bugis! she forgot where! (very long ago le!)

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

When a hot/cute guy cook breakfast for me, anything will be good. HAHAHHHHA!
Honestly speaking, i miss my mum's breakfast! She used to cook like mushroom soup, halfboiled eggs, & make bread fir us! But now we all grow up alr, we sleep till like lunch time?

What would you pair a hot pink shorts and black floral maxi skirt with? (: (top and shoes)

Stick with either black / white top! & add an outerwear too, so ur shorts wont be like "in your face" kind!
For the skirt u can pair it with a cut it crop top! (Black or white) &
For shoes, depending on what occasion is it! Weaved sandals fits almost any outfit!

Would you encourage petite girl that is 15'2 cm wear a long body con skirt ?

Yeah why not? From far u'll look tall!!

Hi what concealer u use? is the mac concealer REALLY GOOD? like it will not cake up or smudge? I have PRETTY BAD DARK CIRCLES that no concealer can help completely cover it

i heard that ZA concealers are really good!
*hvnt tried yet*
the mac concealers is not bad~
*nope it won't smudge*

do you like your galaxy s5? have you always been a android supporter?

nope, i only have like one android phone, & i'm still using it, hahha

Skater skirt :-)

if you're more of a girly girl, u can try floral bralets etc.
if it was me, i will wear:
- a bralet as well but a dark coloured one & throw on an oversized outerwear & my trusty old fedora hat!


Language: English