
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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why do u keep changing hotel during your stay in bkk?

we feel that staying in one hotel will be very boring & the different hotels allow us to shop at different areas easily!

When you blog want talking about the cloth or whatever can write the price? I care more the price :( please...

i cant rmb all the price though,
maybe you can drop a question on my askfm about the items you want to know the price of? (:

your second sister is your real blood sis ?? just curious . she live in bkk ?

i have total of 2 sisters & 1 brother!
she's currently living in bkk for work (:

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Is it dangerous in Bkk?

If you're a girl, at least go around in 3s, cos its safer that way? I feel that its dangerous!!

I have this problem with my flats like they tend to slip off easily after wearing for long time..wonder you experience before too?

yes! cos flats tend to expand!

hey babe! where did you get your sunglasses? it's so nice and you're pretty :)

its from talisman's! can be found at bugis street, FEP!

To enter the giveaway must I do both or can I just do the blog one

U can choose either to do either the one or both (:

LOLX just wondering cos i try before just looks awkward cos I cant even walk in a str line with heels on ><

Practice makes *near* perfect!

I see you in slippers a lot but love to see you wearing wedges/heels in your blog too!

hope to have an event/a day that i can actually bring my babies out for some walk too!!
Liked by: Rong Rong

Don't you think u are trying a little too hard to be a blogger? Your blog is like so boring. I am just saying. Compared to other bloggers like tigerlily backatreality all zzz

hi dear,
S: (n) blogger (a person who keeps and updates a blog)
i dont want & cannot be compared with them, cos i'm nothing, they are famous/popular,
i'm just a person who keeps & updates a blog (:
ohya, you said that my blog is "like so boring", ermm, no one is forcing you to read it :/
thanks for being so honest!!!


Language: English