

Ask @carlycarbonate

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Why are you happy i didnt

Because I feel like it's objectifying to take a picture of someone without their permission.

Thanks i wish i took a pic of her now im gutted i didnt :(

I don't think that would have been nice of you to do anyway so I'm happy you didn't.

If you was in my room for a week what would you change?like as get rid of, keep, change colour walls? etc

Take down all those posters and put up nicer, framed things instead. Find some other way to store your figures either in a box somewhere or consider taking them out of their packages and putting them on shelves. Just put things in more boxes and things I guess.

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Where should i punch my self?

Nowhere. If you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide you should call a hotline.

Your room is probably better than mine then :)

It would be a lot cuter if I put everything away and framed/hung up my artwork but thx.

Whos room is more cluttered mine or yours lol

My walls are rather bare but my floor is a mess because I never properly put things away after I came home from college.

What would you keep and throw away from that persons bedroom?

I wouldn't necessarily keep/throw away any of it, maybe just arrange it differently like use different storage options.
Are you my mom using this as some weird example to then convince me my room looks the same just pink and that I need to make it less of a mess or

Well im sorry i asked you lol i asked other females and they said its to cluttered what ever that mean

Hah don't be sorry.
I mean yeah it is but I also can't be one to talk as my room is not in an admirable state right now either.

No one did im just asking people what they rate my room out of

Oh haha okay I just feel like it's a really strange choice to be asking me that.

I might look in to the floating shelves and should i chuck any way?

I don't know anything about wrestling figures at all so I can't tell you that.
I only know about art toys who told you I knew about wrestling things?

Upload the pic? i wanna have a little nose

Wait what?
Which pic? The one someone sent to me here? You can click the link...

You're right what should i do?

Not sure about it if you're going to keep them in packages but a lot of my friends collect art toys and put them on shelves. You can get those floating shelves for your wall. I want some of those myself.

How should i display them?

I guess it's kind of weird because they are still in the packages so I'm actually not sure but it doesn't seem right to have them tacked up like that.

What would you rate? i wont be offended

3 because props for having interests but it's not really anything i find appealing and if you wanna collect things you should find a more appropriate way to display them.

Sort of its was like rating the whole bedroom what would you give 0-10

It's not anything I would ever be interested in so it would be pretty low on the scale compared to if someone who liked wrestling rated it.

rate my bedroom 0-10 twitpic.com/dl1fya

10 if we are talking about a scale based on how many wrestling figures you can fit into one space

she has some chill glasses

Yeah and her artwork is amazing plus I can relate to a lot of what she says in that video.

u still living in NJ?

Yeah I live in NJ but I feel like I spend AT LEAST 85% of my week in NYC because that's where all my jobs are.


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