

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

lonely genius ots the closer one to me of the two

Are you afraid to fly in airplanes?

but i dont like take off and landing
i like looking at the water from so high up and eating food

What's the best news you've ever received?

i think it was way long ago in 06 when my mom told me we were getting a kitten in the summer
that kitten is now a lazy asshole named jack sparrow :')

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Do you love your country?

america? no
russia? not rly
japan hell yes
(joke here is i am not japanese at all but i love it like i was)
Liked by: windy

What quality do you value most in your friends?

the fact they can stand my racist offensive dark humor B)

What foreign language would you like to learn?

im learning japanese and know chinese russian french and english
i wanna learn german a lot hnn or kazakh or latin or zdjjfjd idk a lot
Liked by: windy

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

uhhHHHH my sister B)
shes hella swag and we always have fun around each other and she buys me things lol but nah shes one of the raddest people i know and can relate to

Can TV make us stupid?

hohoho depends on what you watch
mtv yes
discovery channel maybe
national geographic ok sometimes
Liked by: windy

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

popeye sonic klonoa all the digimon kids ash ketchum vourage the cowardly dog damn
rn i really lokk up to my soster shes great and deserves to hear it everyday :')

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

anything that isnt rich i hATE super rich in flavor stuff
but uh
going by my favorite ice cream shake ive made id say samoa

What is your relationship status?

single yodels into the sun
i have a crush but i already crUSHED my chances with them
[ regretful laughter ]

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

roy walker B)

What is your usual breakfast?

well on school days i buy a breakfast sandwich egg bacon and cheese on english muffin
and on the weekends my mom makes me eggs fried kielbasa home made hashbrowns and toast -u-
sometimes we have mannaya kasha/semolina porridge idk what u americans call it

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

mayb china??? ??? ?
more specifically urumqi
i dont think ive ever been to a country i didnt like

What noise do you hear right now?

the sound of russian news, my dad talking to my stepmom, the silent hum of my computer in sleep mode, and my fingers tapping the screen on my phone

Do you prefer cinema or theatre?

ive never been to theatre ouo but i really wanna seea russian ballet
for now, cinema

Who is your favorite char to RP? Favorite RP ATM?

favorite char to rp uH abel mayb or like uh one of my pokemon ocs i canT REMMEBR
favorite rp is probs abelik or apvier B) the gayest and straightest

What happened to RemusxRamsey?

"nothing just for personal reasons id like it if she had the chance to rp with others instead of only being stuck in one rp ^^;"
shes a great character and i wanna rp her mooore


Language: English