

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Izy;; stares at aluka (she's gorgeous, congrats! q u q)

(but ty!!)
akula;; whatre you lookin at, punk

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(yes. yes i do) regina;; -pokes again- nah, but i don't care.

akula;; if you dont stop that i'll bite you

regina;; -pokes akula- hey

akula;; -looks at regina skeptically- hello. why'd you poke me? did i say you could?
((do u feel the snark coming off her in waves))

I frick-fracking love Akula's name dude <3 Her older brother is screwed tho, he's so paranoid around people. So happy you wanted the second curly peruvian/welsh kid from Quizzle <3

ShiNoBarado’s Profile PhotoBohrt Fuchs || Tabby
dude akulas gonna be the queen of the house
and ofc i did shes like honey embodied into a kia i love honey and i lo ev her

the reveal ,, ,,,,

ayakoscharacters’s Profile Photokaworu
shamelessly c/ps from fc
ive gotten my final kia todya ;v;
say hello to akula!!
shes quite the little bugger right now, getting into fights and kicking the boys' shins. her words sting like bees and she uses her curly cuteness to get out of trouble. she has a bad habit of eating bugs tho.
akula's name means shark, and it is by no means wrong. she bites, kicks, and punches to get what she wants from her peers, and has no regrets. she'll suck up to adults and make sure she is in perfect condition. akula cares a lot about her appearance, taking a lot of time each day to make it look nice (but as she gets older she'll stop doing so much and since she'll end up covering in dirt from fights anyways)
akula likes to mess with boys and keeps them in an iron hold around her pinkie, and owns the playground
:) my little banchou
also 2 arts ovo
http://i.gyazo.com/ba7f41d28ff4b772503f9a37bac7ffc3.png by berkshire
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/203/b/6/the_reveal_by_entei_s-d7ru546.png by me
looking for rps for her (future romance, enemies, mayb friends idk u gotta work for that)
(maybe possible henchmen for her kiddie gang B) ))

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the reveal


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